That’s more shrimp per day than everywhere else in the US combined. It’s one of those numbers simply so large that we need to break it down to understand it. Thirty tons (27 tonnes) of shrimp is 60,000 lbs (27,215 kg), or about an entire 18 wheeler semi-trailer full of shrimp...
This is mostly due to the fact that they’re a good source of food for other animals. However, in a controlled environment, like being kept as a pet, they can live up to two years. There is a punctuation mark used to signify irony or sarcasm that looks like a backward question mark ...
The map above shows the most interesting fact about Kiribati: It’s the only nation in all 4 hemispheres of the world (North, South, East and West). Map created by reddit user evening_raga The country is also the furthest ahead of Greenwich meantime at GMT +14, making it the first ...
With an area of 92,043 square miles (238,391 square kilometer), Romania is thelargest countryin Southeastern Europe. It is roughly the same size as the United Kingdom and slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. TheCarpathian Mountainsare home to one of the largest undisturbed forests in ...
Bonus fact: At the equator, you would weigh less than if standing at one of the poles. 4. Earth is on the move (Image credit: Getty Images) You may feel like you're standing still, but you're constantly moving — fast. Depending on where you are on the globe, you could be ...
The fact that manyIndigenous peoplestoday speak both English and a tribal language is, in part, due to the work of activists who have striven to keep Indigenous dialects alive. As recently as the 1900s, the U.S. government actively worked to stop Indigenous peoples from speaking their native...
The Great Wall of China is frequently billed as the only human-made object visible from space, but it isa common misconception about Earth. Most times, it isn’t visible from the space. In fact, according to NASA,it is very difficult to see or photograph the Great Wall from even the lo...
Bone Marrow Functions, Stem Cells, and Transplants 45 Impressive and Surprising Respiratory System Facts Introduction to the Human Brain: Facts, Anatomy, and Functions Mucus in the Human Body: Functions and Health Problems
The United Kingdom is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon/USA and slightly bigger than Ghana. The UK lies on the prime meridian which marks the Greenwich meridian timezone (GMT). The landscape is dominated by rolling plains and rugged hillsides. ...
Though the horse itself was long thought to be a myth, the fact that these planks were found where the ancient city of Troy likely once stood has left some experts wondering. While the findings were greeted with skepticism by many, history professors from Boston University said they were ...