as someone who has been involved in the implementation of explainable ML software for the past three years, I find a lot of what I read about the topic confusing and detached from my personal, hands-on experiences. This short text presents arguments, proposals, and references to address some...
Pandey, M.D., chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at U-M Health. “In future studies, we will focus on applying the FastGlioma workflow to other cancers, including lung, prostate, breast, and head and neck cancers.” More information: Foundation models for fast, label-free detection of...
With respect to the non-radium glowing paints people shared their experiences with; phosphorus can also be quite bad for you and you shouldn’t really play with it. I used to play with it, too. I was taught a party trick involving a matchbox and a coin where you would end up with a...
Striae rubrae is classified as the acute stage of stretch markswhich presents the earliest physical indications of overstretched skin. The epidermis typically flattens (due to gradual atrophy / degeneration) and experiences a loss of rete ridges. Collagen fibres thicken and become more densely packed...