Added Tax (VAT) or a Goods and Services Tax (GST) on goods received. 运送至某些国家可能会收取额外 费用,如对收到的商品收取增值税 (VAT) 或商品及服务税 (GST)。 Usage of detailed real-time quote may incur charges and will be counted together with the quote...
Points cannot be received on sales tax, shipping, alterations, gift packaging, fur services, repair and cleaning of shoes, handbags, optical, precious jewelry, monogramming, salon products & services, and valet parking. You are not eligible for InCircle double or bonus-points opportunities. The...
Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.api.JsonCommand; import; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.domain.LocalDateInterval; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.service.DateUtils; import org.joda....
You sold a car and accepted a note with the following cash flow stream as your payment. What was the effective price you received for the car assuming an interest rate of 6.0%? - $5,987 - $6,286 - $6,600 - $...
GSTN [28] incorporates user spatial and temporal dependencies for next POI recommendation, including a long short-term memory (LSTM) network for user-specific temporal dependencies modeling and GSD for user spatial dependencies learning. In contrast to existing work, we propose an analysis of users...
iinncclluuddee aarreeaass ssuucchh aass oorriiggiinnaall rroooommss,, sshhooppss,, ccoouunntteerrss,, aanndd ggeenneerraalliizzeedd aarreeaass;; tthheeyy ffoorrmm tthhee bbaacckkggrroouunndd ooff aann iinnddoooorr mmaapp aanndd rreeflfleeccttththeebbuuilidldininggstsrtuructcutruer....
Keywords: entrepreneurial intention of students; funding sources; sustainable entrepreneurial education; opening a new sustainable business Academic Editors: Anderson Rei Galvão, Carla Mascarenhas, Carla Susana Marques, Alexandra Braga and Vítor Braga Received: 1 February 2023 Revised: 27 February 2023...
2.2. Procedure Data collection was conducted in three steps: (1) Respondents filled out an online-questionnaire and tests were administered in a computer laboratory; (2) For the experience sampling component participants received tablet computers and filled out a questionnaire with items presented in ...