楼上说的不对,这里的Interest rate是指市场上所有bond当前情况的coupon rate,如果该rate上升,说明大家对bond的收益预期增高了,而你现在手中持有的bond的coupon rate还是原来的低值(因为已经固定),所以你要想卖出去,只能降低bond value(你无法改变coupon rate),别人才会买。比如原来的par value 1...
rate, then P = Face Value, } & \text{Par Bond(平价债券)} \\ \text{> coupon rate,...
就是一个债券买卖和收益率的对比,买进的希望价格低,卖出的希望价格高,这就相当于高买低卖,也就是做多或者做空前的价格比对。可能你书上前面或者后面还有一些关于后期买入的价格interest rate 收益率的解释和介绍。
另一方面,interest rate通常指的是收益率,即出借方要求的回报率,比如YTM(yield to maturity)。它表示的是债券到期时,投资者按当前价格买入后,直到到期能够获得的平均年化收益率。这两个概念分别代表了债券的支付和投资者的期望回报。它们共同决定了一只面值为100元的债券在当前市场上的价值。具体而言...
1、coupon rate:票息率,面值100,年化5%,还款人每年还5块 2、interset rate:可以简单理解成YTM(...
1993, `Interest rate volatility and bond prices', Financial Analysts Journal, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 70-4.Loexitngstaff, F. A. and Schwartz, E. S. (1993) `Interest Rate Volatility and Bond Prices', Financial Analysts Journal, July-August, 70-4....
Using a bond's convexity to gauge interest rate risk Keep in mind that while duration may provide a good estimate of the potential price impact of small and sudden changes in interest rates, it may be less effective for assessing the impact of large changes in rates. This is because the ...
If they dropped to 3%, the zero-coupon bond, with its yield of 5.26%, would suddenly look very attractive. More people would buy the bond, which would push the price up until its yield matched the prevailing 3% rate. In this instance, the price of the bond would increase from $950 to...
There are two primary reasons why long-term bonds are subject to greater interest rate risk than short-term bonds: Probability:There is a greater probability that interest rates will rise (and thus negatively affect a bond's market price) within a longer time period than within a shorter perio...