Interest Rate Swap 利率掉期;利率互换;利率交换 利率交换(IRS,Interest Rate Swap),系指签约双方针对一笔贷款利率指数(浮动利率或固定利率)不同的贷款,约定在契约期间内(二至十年),定期(季、半年或一年)交换彼此之利息支出,以达到降低资金成本,或达到利率风险管理之目的。 利率交换之特色为:一、签约双方仅有相互之...
Swapsdata provides services to a number of the largest Investment Banks and financial institutions active in the Interest Rate Swaps market. With our unique combination of technical expertise and in-depth business knowledge, we can quickly deliver complex business solutions which result in rapid return...
利率掉期( Interest rate swap),就是两个主体之间签订一份协议,约定一方与另一方在规定时期内的一系列时点上按照事先敲定的规则交换一笔借款,本金相同,只不过一方提供浮动利率( Floating Rate),另一方提供的则是固定利率( Fixed Rate)。利率掉期,就是两个主体之间签订一份协议,约定一方与另一方在...
Interest rate swap 利率互换。交换固定利率与浮动利率息差,不交换本金。Long方为付固定利率,收浮动利率一方,Long方久期: Durationpay fixed=Durationfloating−Durationfixed 2019年三级mock: Watanabe proposes a strategy that uses a pay-fixed position in a three-year interest rate swap with semi-annual ...
CEIC提供的Swap Rate: Interbank Deposit & Fixed Rate: 120 days数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bank of Brazil,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates – Table BR.ME001: Interest Rate Swap。 数值 频率 范围 6.193 2019-06 月度 2001-03 - 2019-06 查看图表...
而期初,即t=(N-1)T时刻,债券价格是通过(N-1)T到NT区间的expected interest rate进行确定的,此区间的expected interest rate即等于[公式]。因此,期初债券价格[公式]。此逻辑适用于从第N-1期到第1期。最终结论是,浮动利率债券的价格在付息日当天确实等于其面值,体现了浮动利率债券在每个付息日...
It shows that swap rates should be closely related to the yield on fixed-rate bank liabilities less the floating-rate bank credit spread, and should not be directly influenced by the yield on corporate bonds. Data on two-, three-, and five-year swap rates pro- vide empirical support for ...
interest rate swap【经】 利率套购 put option on interest rate swap futures利率交换期货卖权 指买方可于契约到期前,执行支付固定利息及收取浮动利息的利率交换期货,而卖方有执行支付浮动利息和收取固定利息的义务。 参见:call option on interest rate