Cash reserve requirement has negligible effect on interest rate spreads. Thus, this study concludes that the major determinants of commercial banks' interest rate spreads are default risk, profitability and bank size in Nepal.Bhattarai, Yuga Raj...
When cutting the interest rates, the central bank has also lifted the deposit rate ceiling from 1.2 times the benchmark rate to 1.3 times. Right after the PBC's announcement, Evergrowing Bank, one of the 12 national joint-stock commercial banks, decided to raise its deposit interest rates to...
• Economic risk, namely risk originating from economic policies such as financial policies, interest rate policies, and others. • Financial risk, namely the risk that comes from the finances of the Co-operatives (company) such as the occurrence of losses, bankruptcy, insurance management, ...
Moreover, if the inflation rate is an unanticipated change in the interest rate, then it should be a negative relationship (Noman et al. 2015; Ariyadasa et al. 2017). 4.2. Findings of the PSTR Regression In this sub-section, we discuss the results of the non-linear relationship between...
1 paragraph 423 of Law 266/2005 establishes that agricultural renewable plants are subject to a flat rate tax applied on 25% of the total amount of the revenues from energy production over 2400 MWh per year for biogas. Related agricultural activities are subject to a preferential tax regime ...