What is the meaning of "the public interest"?: Examining the ideology of the American public accounting profession Purpose - To examine the rhetorical claims put forth by several prominent organizations in the American public accounting profession that claim to act in t... CR Baker - 《...
In whose interest? The privatisation of child protection and social work by Ray Jones (2018)doi:10.1332/204986019X15663825880315Steve RogowskiCritical and Radical Social Work
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was not entitled to offset interest erroneously paid to a taxpayer against taxes and interest due, and owing the taxpayer on a subsequent refund relating to the same tax year. This is because the statute of limitations to sue to recover the erroneously paid ...
However, in Chinese, a single word usually does not have an actual semantic meaning. For example, "丰(Feng)" and "台(tai)" do not express the meaning of the compound word "丰台(Feng tai)". (3) The editorial costs between words are not all the same; for example, with "丰台区 (...
In summary, the DPPH•, ABTS•+, and TAC measurements indicate the stability of bioactive substances from PR extracts, meaning that the antioxidant activities remain constant and can act over time. Pearson's correlation coefficients between the means of phenolics contents (TPC, TFC, and CTC) ...