The main functional loss was found to take place early in the course of the disease. There was an increase in bilaterality with time. Spontaneous relief in vertigo over the years has been noticed.JOYCE SANCHEZPubMedActa oto-laryngologica. Supplementum...
The subject of this paper is the field of tension and conflict between higher education and interculturality seen through the relationship between the public Universidad del Cauca, and the Univerisdad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural which is looking for the license from Ministerio de Educacion, both ...
Interculturalidad y educacion para grupos etnicos en Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Antropologia 47 (2), 173-198.Rojas A. Gobernar(se) en nombre de la cultura. Interculturalidad y educacion para grupos etnicos en Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Antropologia. 2011; 47 (2): 173-198....
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Bringing Latin America's `Interculturalidad' into the Conversation. Journal of Intercultural Studies, v. 34, n. 5, p. 620-630.2013. SOTELO, J. La educacion socialista. In: Solana, F., Cardiel, R y Bolanos, R. (eds.). La historia de la educacion publica en Mexico. Mexico: Fondo ...
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