The definition of inter-company sales in SAP ECC is when the company code that is determined by the delivering plant at goods issue time differs from the company code determined by the sales organization at billing time. In essence, inventory was sold that belonged to a different legal entity....
Currently the process can be activated for item categories TAN and CBXN.The release restrictions for Advanced Intercompany Sales are described in SAP note 3192584.Also the scope item Advanced Intercompany Stock Transfer (5HP) provide a Set-Up Instructio...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hello Experts, We have two sales org AB00 (Company code 1234) and CD00 (company code 5678). Currently, customer sends the requirements to sales org AB00 which creates a scheduling agreement (with ref to Contract) and does delivery from plant...
For more details, refer to sap note 1341136 - RRICB .With new solution this restriction has been lifted. Now, the end user can choose to create multiple intercompany sales orders to trigger the billing for same combination of ordering and delivering company codes. Since the process stores a ...
Intercompany billing uses SAP EDI to carry out posting to vendor account for the ordering company code. Prerequisites for Intercompany Business Processing:-- Certain prerequisites must be met before you can process intercompany sales. The following data must be defined in Customizing for Sales by yo...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Dear Gurus, I want to configure intercompany stock transfer process in SD as well as MM.Please tell me the whole process how to configure it on system,How I can create intercompany billing? Rgds, Anand DeshmukhKnow...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) I am doing intercompany billing where i am getting pricing error. I went to environment and checked revenue account it was not reflecting anything there. but for other billing it was reflecting line item wise. what should i do. Can any body ...
In order to be able to support intercompany sales process where deliveries from more than one external company code are enabled, additional logic for payer determination has to developed. User exit for partner data determination in invoice creation is required. Functionality is relevant for intercompa...
Solved: Hi SAP folks, I have a small question on TC: OBYA We have 2 co codes (CC10 & CC20) . We have customer and vendor account with the same number 900CC10 in Co Code
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi experts, We have implemented and intercompany process, where the first document is a purchase order, then a SD delivery and finally, the SD billing document. This is done with the standards documents: Purchasing Doc Type = LP -...