Intercompany vs Intracompany in SAP InterCompany Transactions are between two or more related internal legal entities with common control, i.e. in the same enterprise (Inter = Latin for “BETWEEN”) IntraCompany Transactions are between two or more entities within the same legal entity (Intra = ...
For intracompany transfers (within one company code), use the Intracompany Asset Transfer function. An intercompany asset transfer within a corporate group may be necessary for one of the following reasons: The physical location of the asset has changed, making it necessary to assign the asset ...
1) in STO cross comp, internal customer required and doc flow is like NBNLCCF2 and my doubt is whether pricing comes to F2 from NB with MM pricing procedure? Does Doc.PP should be assigned to F2 here?? 2)in STO intra comp, internal customer is not required and doc flow is like UB...
By mistake users picked few time PO type UD (intra company stock transfer ) to create intercompany purchase order. SAP is creating the PO with delivery type NL (I know NLCC for intercompany) and user did follow on process with the purchase order which is creating issue in reconcile process ...
Type is “NL” for intra company STO. If STO is inter company, Assign doc. Type is “NLCC”. Position doc type is “UB” Enter supplying plant(1000) & doc type (NL)&checking rule (ex:01) 6.Assign doc. Type is “UB” to u’r plants.(PO) Go for new entries Enter ...
SAP ERP SAP ERP View products (2) Hi Guys, I am having one clarification in inter company process.i have done every settings for inter company process. When I am trying to create Inter company purchase order i m getting pricing procedure as RM2000- Stock transfer document. But i need ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Dear Sir, Can you please tell Is intercompany clearing account need to be configured in OBYA for ECC 6.0. We have activated document splitting in our company and profitcenter is required for any document to be posted. Also Profit center clearing ac...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Shiva, This BAPI might solve my problem. A couple of questions though. I am trying to do a asset transfer either by creating a new asset or transfer to an existing asset in the receiving company code. I am confused on what values to put ...