The answers above explained the reason why interactive shells are login shells on macOS by default: settings in /etc/profile, ~/.profile are inherited by a non-login shell on X-based systems, but not on macOS. Here I wanna remind you that you should always use login shell on macOS beca...
PyCmd is a smart command prompt extension for Windows' cmd.exe; its purpose is to emulate a few power features of UNIX shells (decent Tab-completion, persistent history, etc.) [Experimental] PyCmd now also runs on Linux, acting as a front-end for bash 2. What are some important features...
The bindings of theminibuffer-local-completion-mapare not available in Vertico by default. This means thatTABworks differently from what you may expect from shells like Bash or the default Emacs completion system. In VerticoTABinserts the currently selected candidate. ...
For ArmA we used as helpFMJ bullet energy hit = sqrt(weight/2)*speed/5This works for small arms fire, not that well for SABOT rounds or High explosive artilery shells. First using of this equation was in ČSLA 2.2 for OFP. In BI games is since ArmA 1.05. ...
Error: "File cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system" Error: Cannot find appropriate constructor - Works in ISE but not on command prompt ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified message when trying to run a script ERROR: Variable: found in expres...
Shell> aliasAs you can see, all the EFI Shell command aliases are listed.You can also use the alias command to create or delete aliases.To create a command alias print_hello that runs the command echo Hello World, you can run the alias command as follows:...