Although not statistically tested, there was little variability in sessile taxon richness across light treatments. On emergent rock, this was mainly due to an overall low number of taxa, with the brown encrusting algaeRalfsiaspp. being the dominant alga. In contrast, rock pools had up to seven...
Thanks so much for taking the question. Maybe if I could just ask a big picture one that's two parts. When you come out of the activity you just went through in terms of reevaluating your pipeline and looking at resource allocation across the organization, what were some of the key learn...
SXSW was a hive of activity for early web denizens and hackers around the turn of the century, and a birthing ground for the social media revolution that reshaped modern life in the second half of the ’00s. Its emergence from the shadow of the music festival it grew out of mirrors th...
Rac and Cdc42 bind to the CRIB region of p65PAK and activate its kinase activity 22, 29. It is thought that PAK/RD could titrate out endogenous Rac and Cdc42 and inhibit the functions of molecules that rely on an interaction with Rac and/or Cdc42 for their activation, such as p65PAK...
Use your full attention while operating the machine. Do not engage in any activity that causes distractions; otherwise, injury or property damage may occur. Do not put your hands or feet near moving components of the machine. Do not operate the machine without all guards and other safety prote...
Extra Processing –Excess activity or extra steps that don’t add value to the service or product for the end customer. Are you clear about each process or flow, the inputs and their intended outcomes? Over Production –This is production that exceeds what is needed, or work completed befo...
Activity has improved across the Eurozone, with the exception of Greece, reflecting a broad-based lift in domestic demand. We expect this improvement in growth to continue in FY2016. Japan's economy saw growth improve in annualised terms as the year progressed, supported by the Bank of Japan...
Agricultural activity is based on several very important characteristics, namely: (1) the differentiated exploitation of the conditions of the edaphic factor (soil); (2) the amount of precipitation and average annual temperatures, in close correlation with the land features and altitude, which determi...
Subjective exercise enjoyment was rated using the short version (8 items) of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) [34,35]. This version has a high correlation (r= 0.94) with the complete version and strong reliability (α= 0.91) [36,37]. Participants were asked to score how much...
In parallel, the gamification of interactive music was gaining huge popularity as more emphasis became placed on the interface and a competitive (often social) activity, and the user/player was insulated from perceived 'mistakes'. This ensured that engagement was always fun and did not need to ...