Add media and documents to your interactive map Add photos, videos, audio, PDFs, Matterport 3D tours, and more. Draw lines to show routes. Create shapes to highlight areas on your map.Easily import data and user-generated content Quickly and easily import new locations from spreadsheets with...
the 0.1-map units scale factor translates into each pixel in the image being a square, 0.1-meters on a side. The georeferenced not-a-map image, therefore, displays as an area of 400.1x307.8-meters on a map.
Example of the polygon To enable the polygon draw tool, enable Location Form tab → Form Settings section → Shape Tool. Enabling the polygon draw tool Learn more: WordPress Interactive Map Plugin (CMML) - How To - Add Polygons To MapTIP...
Draw and insert shapes Prerequisites You'll need to satisfy a fewprerequisitesbefore you can use maps in your canvas apps. Refer to theprivacy and security tablefor more details on how different map features use data. Add a map to an app screen ...
Create interactive maps, diagrams, floor plans, and images with MapsAlive. Add hotspots and place markers at locations on your map to display photos, text, and video.
230-draw-part-of-the-circular-plot-only.html 233-add-annotations-on-ggplot2-chart.Rmd 233-add-annotations-on-ggplot2-chart.html 234-a-very-basic-treemap.Rmd 234-a-very-basic-treemap.html 235-treemap-with-subgroups.Rmd 235-treemap-with-subgroups.html 236-custom-your-tree...
Draw lines with different width (like rivers) on a map. Useful when you want to show how rivers ‘flow’ on the map. Demo Grigory Golikov Leaflet Rotated Marker Enables rotation of marker icons in Leaflet. Demo Benjamin Becquet Leaflet.RoughCanvas Leaflet.RoughCanvas renders hand-drawn, sk...
InteractiveComplexHeatmapOutput(): for the UI on the client side. makeInteractiveComplexHeatmap(): for processing on the sever side. library(InteractiveComplexHeatmap) library(ComplexHeatmap)ht=Heatmap(m)ht=draw(ht)ui=fluidPage( InteractiveComplexHeatmapOutput() )server=function(input,output,sessio...
Live Universal Awareness Map Liveuamap is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety of important topics including conflicts, human rights issues, protests, terrorism, weapons deployment, health mat
// an array function GetMap() { . . } function AddDrawControlEvents(manager) { . . } function WriteLn(txt) { . . } function LatLonStr(loc) { . . } function Button1_Click() { . . } function Button2_Click() { . . } function ShowInfobox(e) { . . } function HideInfobox(...