NASA has created theEclipse Explorer. Just put in your zip code and the interactive map will tell you when the eclipse will begin, how long it'll last, and what totality the area is in. There's even a countdown clock. NASA Eclipse Explorer Experts suggest going to a place in 100% to...
Array Utilities: d3.sum, d3.max, d3.set, Selector Utilities: .sort(), .filter(), .raise(), .lower() Boilerplate Basic Setup Online: Github repository: What Else Besides D3? Vega Vega is...
September 25th:an essay onintellectual integrityguaranteed to infuriate half of its readers August 23rd:My experiences with thetotal eclipse August 17th:The mostidiotic user interface designI’ve ever seen! August 8th:Mirror neurons, empathy, and joy July 29th:anessayexplaining the profound difference...
Medium term: Integrate an online IDE (e.g. Eclipse Theia) into Artemis for enhanced user experience Medium term: Add more learning analytics features while preserving data privacy Medium term: Improve the user experience, usability and navigation Medium term: Add automatic generation of hints for ...
NASA has launched a new interactive tool that shows Mars in extraordinary detail and lets you travel between points of interest at the click of a mouse.
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Apache Hadoop \(英文\) 使用HDFS、YARN 資源管理和簡單的 MapReduce 程式設計模型來處理和分析批次數據的架構。 建立Apache Hadoop 叢集 Apache Spark 開放原始碼的平行處理架構,可支援記憶體內部處理,以大幅提升巨量資料分析應用程式的效能。 請參閱 什麼是 HDInsight 中的 Apache Spark?。 建立Apache Spark 叢集...
Medium term: Integrate an online IDE (e.g. Eclipse Theia) into Artemis for enhanced user experience Medium term: Add more learning analytics features while preserving data privacy Medium term: Improve the user experience, usability and navigation ...