ComboTrader 创建自有的组合委托单策略或从多种有预设项目的模板中选择以执行期货交易。 SpreadTrader SpreadTrader与交易者工作站无缝整合,是用于管理期货持仓的单界面指令中心。 指数套利测量器 指数套利测量器是一款度量期货合约及其对应的即期价格间价差的计量工具,可用于分析指数套利策略。
It is easy to enter into a option combo with Interactive Brokers with their user interface, but there does not seem to be an effective way to keep the legs grouped for tracking overall profit/loss. This library provides a means of a with a . Positions can be grouped together to form ....
VeighNa框架的InteractiveBrokers交易接口 说明 安装 安装ibapi 安装vnpy_ib 使用 说明 基于ibapi的10.19.1版本开发的InteractiveBrokers交易接口。 IbGateway中的合约代码支持两种风格:数字代码和字符串代码。 数字代码基于IB平台的ConId,查询方式:在TWS软件中【右键点击任意合约】->【金融产品信息】->【详情】,然后在...
IB-Matlab provides a reliable, easy-to-use Matlab interface to Interactive Brokers that works right out-of-the-box on all Matlab platforms (Win32, Win64, Mac, Linux) using simple Matlab commands:query current market data (quotes and market depth) in snapshot or streaming modes. fetch ...
IB-Matlab provides a reliable, easy-to-use Matlab interface to Interactive Brokers that works right out-of-the-box on all Matlab platforms (Win32, Win64, Mac, Linux) using simple Matlab commands:query current market data (quotes and market depth) in snapshot or streaming modes. fetch ...
Ruby Implementation of the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation (TWS) API. SUMMARY: This is a pure Ruby implementation of Interactive Brokers API. It uses socket API directly. So it does not have any dependencies other than TWS/Gateway itself. API Version 973.04 is supported. ...
IBKREventTrader 投资者可通过该网页版平台方便地交易事件合约,即基于他们对结果为“是或否”的特定问题的知识或见解来交易。 了解EventTrader IBKRIMPACT 是一个能够帮助您“为信仰投资”的应用程序。您可将该应用下载至您的iOS或安卓系统手机或平板电脑上,寻找并投资符合您价值观的公司或期权。