An interactive black hole orbital simulator includes a base. The base includes a first end, a second end, an upper surface and a lower surface. The upper surface includes a guide running from the first send to the second end. A vertical shaft extends from the second end of the base. A...
Interstellar wormhole & blackhole simulator The wormhole and black hole in the movie Interstellar looked pretty awesome. Travel around and through them yourself in this little demo. Texture credits: Saturn surface: ...
Everyone loves Minecraft, all ages, and all genres. If you haven’t played it yet, Minecraft puts you in a huge world, where you mine and build stuff. You also beat up bad guys and fight all kinds of creatures if you choose survival mode. If not, you can stay in your happy world,...
TheOrigami Simulatoris misnamed, in that it simulates all sorts of papercraft patterns. Poke around under the Examples menu to see what I mean. While unlikely to help you make any of these, it’s fun to look at and drag the Fold Percent slider. For me, instant nostalgia: I attendedth...