Aside from jQuery make sure you have loaded the Greensock Animation Plattform (TweenMax). To use ScrollMagic in your project simply include the plugin js file in the head section of your HTML file: For deployment use the minified version instead: And to have access to the debugging extensi...
Internalization of NG2 was quantified from the NG2/type VI collagen confocal immunofluorescent images using the Analyze Particles plugin in ImageJ40. The cytosol of an individual cell was defined by a region of interest inside of the pericellular type VI collagen. NG2 colocalized with type VI...
GO enrichment analysis is a very important bioinformatics analysis, through which researchers can observe the enrichment of genes encoding of TMPs or nonTMPs, and make out gene products in molecular function (MC), biological process (BP), and Cellular Component (CC) of GO enriched terms. KEGG ...
Inter-organelle contacts between Tf-containing EE-DMT1 (yellow) and DMT1-Tom20 (light blue) were calculated using the “Surface Contact Area” (SCA) Imaris XTension integrated plugin. Representative images are shown for Tf and DMT1 (a, a’); DMT1 and Tom20 (b, b’); Tf, DMT1, ...
Before normalizing intensity, xy-drifts of cells were corrected by Fiji Plugin StackReg. Fluorescence intensity of the photobleached region was normalized by calculating the ratio of the photobleached region to the nonbleached region after subtracting background noise. Fluorescent images of chromosome ...
Optimizing taxonomic classification of marker-gene amplicon sequences with QIIME 2’s q2-feature-classifier plugin. Microbiome. 2018;6:1–17. McMurdie PJ, Holmes S. phyloseq: an R package for reproducible interactive analysis and graphics of microbiome census data. PLoS One. 2013;8: e61217. ...
Levi, N. McGinnis, B.M. Hill No community can do everything: why people participate in similar online communities Proc. ACM on Hum.-Comp. Inter., 6 (2022), pp. 1-25, 10.1145/3512908 Google Scholar [21] J.P. Carpenter, S.A. Morrison, M. Craft, M. Lee How and why are ...
The Mander’s coefficient plugin was used to generate scatter plots. Generation of Vps18 mutant cell line Vps18 KO cells were established with the self-cleaving plasmid method by CRISPR/ Cas9.34 The genomic target site of the gRNAs are at the border of the first exon–intron site of the ...
Filtering and taxonomic analysis were conducted according to the qiime2 pipeline [23,24]. Sequence quality filtering was performed via DADA2 and taxonomic analysis via the q2-feature-classifier plugin for qiime2 with the Greengenes 13_8 97% OTU data set as reference [25,26,27]. Further downst...
InteractomeBrowser and its underlying approach can be compared to the Cerebral (Cell Region-Based Rendering And Layout) plugin of Cytoscape that also combines molecular interactions with a cell-compartment based layout [11]. But there are qualitative differences in the conception of Cerebral and Intera...