The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and the habits of the earth's vegetation and its animal life have been shaped by the environment. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the...
The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and the habits of the earth's vegetation and its animal life have been shaped by the environment. Considering the whole span of earthly time, ...
文档标签: Thehi Thehistoryoflifeonearthhasbeenahistoryofinteractionbetweenlivingthingsandtheirsurroundings.Toalargeextent,thephysicalformandthehabitsoftheearth’svegetationanditsanimallifehavebeenmoldedbytheenvironment.Consideringthewholespanofearthlytime,theoppositeeffect,inwhichlifeactuallymodifiesitssurroundings,has...
One important point I want to emphasize in the reading is that there are manyinteractions that take place within an ecosystem,interactions between animals,interactions between living and non-living things and so on. 这篇阅读里我要强调的重要的一点是,在一个生态系统里存在很多的相互作用,比如说动物之...
Interaction between vision and language in category–specific semantic impairment - Silveri, Gainotti - 1988 () Citation Context ...h a living things deficit also have difficulties with musical instruments, gemstones, or food, whereas other patients with a nonliving things deficit show poor ...
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Session-based recommendation aims to predict the user's follow-up behavior based on the user's short-term behavior in the session and is mostly used in scenarios where the user visits the website anonymously. The key problem of session-based recommendati
Their presence in the family, or at least their closeness to the family in cases where limited living space or other reasons make this impossible, is of fundamental importance in creating a climate of mutual interaction and enriching communication between the different age-groups. Eorum in familia...
aThe interaction between the demands on the classroom, and the constraints within it cause it to be a social setting that has only limited potentiality for manipulation by teachers. 要求之間的互作用在教室和限制在它裡面起因是它由老師只限制了潛在性為操作的一個社會設置。[translate]...