1. (Computer Science) windows, icons, menus (or mice), pointers: denoting a type of user-friendly screen display used on small computers: a WIMP system. 2. (General Physics) physics weakly interacting massive particle Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
While the high-density matter in NSs in general significantly differs from high-temperature QGP, the pattern of conformal-symmetry restoration can be similarly used as an indicator of phase change inside NSs. In this Letter, we have established that the cores of the most massive neutron stars a...
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In this case free streaming erases fluctuations of no cosmological interest: the first objects of mass about 106MΘ rapidly aggregate into larger structures in a hierarchical way (“bottom-top” scenario). Photinos or axions could be cold WIMP candidates15,36. All WIMP's scenario, with some ...
/// System role can be either a simple String or an array of objects, use the objects array for prompt caching. /// [Prompt Caching](https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/build-with-claude/prompt-caching) public let system: System? /// An object describing metadata about the request. pub...
The goal is to find k representative objects which minimize the sum of the dissimilarities of the observations to their closest representative object. By default, when medoids are not specified, the algorithm first looks for a good initial set of medoids (this is called the build phase). Then...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE, pt.1: OTM(On the Move) Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS(Cooperative Information Systems), DOA(Distributed Objects and Applications), and ODBASE(Ontologies, DataBases an...
This technique also works well for dynamic objects, as it uses camera position, reflection point, and an inverse ray to the scene to determine the appropriate mapping coordinates. Our avatar rendering system supports these shading methods. However, we have also enhanced these methods using various ...
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Via wireless communication between the interface board and the computer, virtual objects can be interacted with and thermal feedback can be obtained. In addition, a wearable IMU device (Perception Neuron) is used to position the virtual hand. (b) The glove on the back, and (c) on the ...