This chapter focuses on designing and implementing inter-blockchain communication between Hyperledger Fabric networks. Inter-blockchain architecture can enable many possible applications such as healthcare data sharing, supply chains, food traceability solutions, etc. Moreover, this chapter presents the ...
This research presents a novel method to assess inter-chain message relay time in the Cosmos blockchain network, which employs the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol for blockchain interoperability. While inter-chain transactions in Cosmos lag
The origin of Metachain lies in ShuttleOne identifying the challenges faced by businesses and products while attempting to utilize multiple blockchain networks to satisfy their real-world requirements. The lack of communication between different networks, combined with varying token standards and technology...
This paper-oriented workshop scientifically addresses recent research efforts in the field of blockchain technology use for cross-organizational collaboration. The workshop focuses on the application of information and communication technology in order to enable organizational and governmental service provision...
会议由LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian主持,与会聚集了多个行业领导者和企业家,其中包括松下、亚洲生产力组织、Management System Certification Institute、三洋、Ccare、Big Communication等多家跨国公司、国际组织的高管,对区块链未来发展商业化趋势展开了一系列深度讨论。
Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company, offering a full range of technology products, solutions, and services. Approximately 140,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the ...
One of the pain points in the telecoms industry is the calculation and reconciliation of roaming minutes, to settle payments between different carriers. While boosting the use of the new wireless communication technology, KT and China Mobile are also implementing a blockchain roaming charge system. ...
A secure message-passing framework for inter-vehicular communication using blockchain:doi:10.1177/1550147719829677Muhammad Awais HassanUme HabibaUsman GhaniMuhammad ShoaibSAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England
CommunicationIn current times, supply chains are gaining momentum because of customers' many requirements, such as more flexibility, velocity, information, and traceability of products. Several factors can explain this phenomenon: the acceleration of technological innovations, which allow for better ...
However, due to the lack of trust among different constellations, communication security and privacy protection are important issues that need to be solved during inter-constellation cooperation. In this work, with recent advances of blockchain, we present a trusted and privacy-preserved authentication...