As the City players take turns to hold the trophy aloft,Pep Guardiolatakes a step back from the crowd of blue-shirted players to take it all in. He looks up, almost wistfully, at the golden confetti fluttering in the Istanbul night sky. It's taken a while for him to get this team ...
Wednesday 17th May (second leg) Manchester City vs Real Madrid Upgrade the action: best TVs Go big this year: best projectors Vroom service: how to watch an F1 live stream Get the What Hi-Fi? Newsletter Receive the hottest deals and product reviews alongside the biggest hi-fi, home cinema...
21.00 Barcellona-Bayern (Champions League) - TV8, SKY SPORT CALCIO, SKY SPORT (canale 252) e NOW 21.00 Manchester City-Sparta Praga (Champions League) - SKY SPORT (canale 253) e NOW 21.00 Lipsia-Liverpool (Champions League) - SKY SPORT (canale...
Manchester City have become the sixth English team to win the European Cup after Aston Villa, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United and Nottingham Forest - twice as many sides as any other nation. City are just the second English side to achieve...
Il regolamento dei sorteggi è piuttosto complicato e certamente insolito, guardando anche alla storia della Champions League. Chi potrebbe affrontare l'Inter? Con chi può vedersela il Milan? E l'Atalanta? E la Juventus? Nulla è ancora certo: lo sarà dopo il 90' dell...