C.Intra-class Balancing(IntraCB) DUBE的类内平衡是通过基于预测误差为每个实例分配不同的采样概率实现的。对于输入 x 的标签空间 \mathcal{Y}:\lbrace c_1,c_2,...,c_m\rbrace ,给定分类器 f(·) 估计概率是 f(x)=\textbf{p}=[p_1,p_2,...,p_m]^\top 。对于label的 y=c_i定义onehot向...
而 intra-class imbalance 多出现于计算机视觉问题中,其解决方法通常是在 gradient update时,依据不同数据的难易程度进行 reweighting。另外一个常用的训练技巧就是 ensembling,即训练几个独立的模型再通过取平均值或者投票选class 来进行整合,作者们的DuBE也用到了 ensembling。与此同时,作者们致力于在训练的过程中将...
inter-class,类间 intra-class,类内 看这里 http://www.qianjia.com/html/2007-07/30183.html
1. 类间 类间(Inter-class)特异性:即性腺促素与受器 来自不同动物类别。类别之间差异非常大。 www.docin.com|基于5个网页 2. 间分类 具体针对于数字通信信号而言,信号调制识别又可分为类间分类(inter-class)和类内分类(intra-class)。类间分类指ASK,FSK,PS… ...
类间(Inter-class)特异性:即性腺促素与受器 来自不同动物类别。类别之间差异非常大。 www.docin.com|基于5个网页 2. 间分类 具体针对于数字通信信号而言,信号调制识别又可分为类间分类(inter-class)和类内分类(intra-class)。类间分类指ASK,FSK,PS… ...
inter-rater 效度 intra-class 类内的
We attempt to define and compare inter- and intra-class 3D object retrieval and show that there is a huge performance gap between them. We present relevant bibliography and our own inter- and intra-class retrieval methods and applications. 展开 关键词:...
Inter-Class and Intra-Class Relations of Distribution under ‘Structural Adjustment’: Turkey during the 1980sChapter pp 199–229 Cite this chapter The Political Economy of Turkey Korkut Boratav 73 Accesses Abstract This paper attempts to survey and analyze changes in income distribution between (...
Inter-rater 评分者之间 intra-class 组内
ainter-cell and intra-cell, whereas in VCMSs workers have more flexibility regarding the inter-cell flexibility (Cesanı’ et al., 2005). From the worker flexibility point of view, workers are different from each other in the case of: 相互细胞和内部细胞,而在VCMSs工作者有更多灵活性关于相...