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Syllabus & Subjects Selection System Test Guideline University Exam Centers Date Sheet Result FAQs Instruction Test Parts Become ISSB Expert on ilmkidunya If you are a teacher of Chemistry or BS Chemisty, you can join as a moderator of this BS Chemistry section on ilmkidunya. ...
The interquartile range defines the difference between the third and the first quartile. Quartiles are the partitioned values that divide the whole series into 4 equal parts. So, there are 3 quartiles. First Quartile is denoted by Q1known as the lower quartile, the second Quartile is denoted...
Karachi Board 12 Class Past Papers You can get the past year chemistry papers ofintermediate part 2karachi board from the websiteilmkidunya. One of the most important advantages of using past papers is that it enables students to comprehend the subjects that are most likely to be covered in ...
Past papers are of great importance for students especially when they are near to their exams. A number of students study past paper s of their related subjects, past papers are a great way to revise your syllabus and by studying past papers you get to know which sort of questions you are...
Q1= 2nd term + 0.25(3rd term-2nd term) Q1= 16+0.25(23-26) = 15.25 Similarly, Median, Q2= [(n+1)/2]th item Q2= 8+1/2 = 9/2 = 4.5 Q2= 4th term+0.5 (5th term-4th term) Q2= 26+0.5(26-26) = 26 And, Upper Quartile, Q3= [3(n+1)/4]th item ...
Board of intermediate and secondary education Lahore is considered to be the largest educational board of the country for conducting exams for thousands of students every year. Students of matric and inter look for the test papers to preparation of their exams. This search is very common among st...