Instruction in District-Designed Intensive Summer Reading Programs:doi:10.1177/0731948718765207Jessica S. FolsomDeborah K. ReedAriel M. AloeSandra S. SchmitzSAGE PublicationsSage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Lindamood-Bell instruction is based on the learning needs of each student. We can make a difference for students of all ages and abilities. Our individualized Summer Programs result in extraordinary academic gain in just a few weeks. We teach reading, comprehension, and math at our learning cent...
Reading ProgramsCorrectional EducationIlliteracyJuvenile JusticeReading InstructionInstitutionalized PersonsCorrectional InstitutionsDelinquencyModelsDespite 60 years of evidence linking juvenile illiteracy and delinquency, practitioners and policymakers have been painfully slow in the implementation of evidence-based ...
Other Programs Services All intensive English students are matched with a conversation partner, a U.S. student who helps with informal conversation. Many partners meet for lunch, attend culture events, or participate in sporting activities. Students also have the opportunity to attend Conversation Conn...
ISP Injury Surveillance Program (Massachusetts Department of Public Health) ISP In-System Programmability ISP International Scholars Program (various schools) ISP Instruction Set Processor ISP Intensive Study Program (various organizations) ISP Information Support Plan (US DoD) ISP Institute of Store Planner...
The ELI offers six levels of intensive language instruction: Beginner (Level I), High Beginner (Level II), Intermediate (Level III), High Intermediate (Level IV), Advanced (Level V), and High Advanced (Level VI). Each study session is eight weeks long and students are expected to advance...
DIP Department of Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland, Australia) DIP Département de l'Instruction Publique (French: Department of Public Instruction; Switzerland) DIP Digital Image Processing DIP Department of Industrial Promotion (Thailand) DIP Debt Issuance Programme (various locations) DIP Distal ...
We discuss adaptations made to each component to meet the unique needs of juvenile correction settings. 展开 关键词: Evidence Reading Programs Correctional Education Illiteracy Juvenile Justice Reading Instruction Institutionalized Persons Correctional Institutions Delinquency Models ...
owe the basic intensive concept and the tenets of instruction to the Army Specialized Training Program developed during World War 1I.2 Intensive programs exist, for example, to teach or to review isolated or collective skills in a multiplicity of approaches and settings to audiences ranging from ...
Over eight weeks, the children received one-on-one instruction for four hours a day, five days a week. They took a series of reading tests before and after the tutoring program and underwent four MRI scans and behavioral evaluation sessions at the beginning, middle and end of the eight-week...