Want to start an intensive German course online? On Preply you can book as many German lessons a week as you want, allowing you to design your own intensive German course and make it as intensive as you want. We're the leading online language learning platform worldwide. Looking for a di...
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Learn German fast and effective Intensive German Language Course in Vienna You will study general German for four lessons daily (Standard Course) plus two additional lessons a day in small groups, in which your teacher specifically focuses on your individual needs and weak points. This course is ...
Intensive German Course 3PHASE Lingua Group, 帕尔玛, 西班牙 一般德国 4 每周的经验教训 课程标题 Intensive German Course 课程时间 10:00 - 15:00 天的课程 一, 二, 三, 四, 五 学校管理员。费用 ¥ 0.00 课持续时间 60 课程证书 是 最低年龄...
The Intensive Course Business German is only offered at certain dates and requires a good previous knowledge of German (C1). carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com 参加经济德语强化班 的学员应具有良好通用德语知识,如C1级 德 语水 平。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com After completing at le...
Young Graduates & Students Case Studies Program Application Process Why CIP Write for Us Terms and Conditions Contact Info We are dedicated to providing opportunities for young people and transforming them into global citizens Address:1309 Coffeen Avenue, Sheridan, WY, ...
2006 Certificate, Intensive German Language Course, Goethe Institute, Freiburg, Germany ACADEMIC WORK EXPERIENCEP.I.: Dr. Abigail GewirtzAlexander RothmanTraci Mann
初级德语视频课Deutsch+Intensiv+-+Intensive+German+Course+for 初级德语视频课+Deutsch+Intensiv+-+Intensive+German+Course+for+Begin 初级德语视频课+Deutsch+Intensiv+-+Intensive+German+Course+for+Begin
The course (Armenien for beginners) is perfect for students that stay a bit longer then myself (I took a 2 weeks, 15h per week course). I liked the structure and knowledge of the teacher. As a German it is not as easy to learn Armenian via English and English Text books. It takes...
初级德语视频课+Deutsch+Intensiv+-+Intensive+German+Course+for+Begin 初级德语视频课+Deutsch+Intensiv+-+Intensive+German+Course+for+Begin 本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。未经许可,不得转载。来自csliu2222 25 大家还在看 德语强化语法A1-C1 Deutsch intensiv Grammatik含PDF+...