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Pass me fast intensive driving courses and driving lessons from your local LDC driving school instructors. Free Theory Test App and Highway Code.
Pass me fast intensive driving courses and driving lessons from your local LDC driving school instructors. Free Theory Test App and Highway Code.
increased fluid filtration, diffuse damage to alveoli, epithelial and microvascular permeability [2,29]. It is a result of too large tidal volume either by specification or as a result of delivered driving pressure in pressure controlled
These findings corroborate with earlier systematic reviews on predictive models for COVID-19 [22] and in intensive care settings [24]. Studies developing AI models should adhere to the TRIPOD reporting guidelines [25], PROBAST [26], or, ideally, recent AI-specific guidelines. These include the...
All respondents went to formal school, and 50% of respondents completed primary school and above. The choice of adaptation and mitigation techniques is heavily influenced by education. This is because educated individuals are expected to be exposed to better information about climate change, thereby ...
This paper reviews the systematic work completed on the implications of CA adoption in rice-based systems and on acceleration of adoption of planters for crop establishment on farms. The development of CA in Bangladesh, incorporating the new planters, through on-going research and development ...