Intensive and Critical Care Nursing:是Elsevier出版公司发布的混合型期刊,每年出版6期。该刊ISSN号为0964-3397,eISSN号是1532-4036。期刊的主编是英国的Deborah Dawson博士。 01 影响因子 《Intensive and Critical Care Nursing》影响因子近几年在1-4,2021年最新影响因子为4.235。 02 期刊分区 JCR分区:护理位于Q1...
The aims ofIntensive and Critical Care Nursingare to promote excellence ofcareofcritically illpatients by specialist nurses and their professional colleagues; to provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and exchange of research findings, … ...
The aims ofIntensive and Critical Care Nursingare to promote excellence ofcareofcritically illpatients by specialist nurses and their professional colleagues; to provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and exchange of research findings, … ...
The aims ofIntensive and Critical Care Nursingare to promote excellence ofcareofcritically illpatients by specialist nurses and their professional colleagues; to provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and exchange of research findings, … ...
The aims ofIntensive and Critical Care Nursingare to promote excellence ofcareofcritically illpatients by specialist nurses and their professional colleagues; to provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication, dissemination and exchange of research findings, … ...
2024年8月23日,南方医科大学南方医院重症医学科陈仲清/胡鸿彬/安胜利教授团队在Intensive & Critical Care Nursing(IF:4.9,中科院小类1区)上online了原创性论著“A prediction model for nonresponsive outcomes in critically ill patients with ...
《重症监护和重症监护》(Intensive And Critical Care Nursing)是一本以NURSING综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Churchill Livingstone出版商创刊于1984年,刊期6 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦NURSING领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行...
期刊简称INTENS CRIT CARE NUR 参考译名《重症监护护理》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), SSCI(2024版), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向NURSING 护理 Intensive and Critical Care Nursing《重症监护护理》(双月刊). The aims of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing are ...
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing Citation Style: Author-Year Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Discipline: Nursing File Name: Intensive Crit Care Nursing.ens Publisher: Elsevier URL: Based On: Bibliography Sort Order: Author-Year-Title BibField1: Author BibField2: Title BibField3...
《Intensive and Critical Care Nursing》 2021年8月刊文概览 Impact Factor:3.072 Editor-in-Chief Dr. Deborah Dawson Saint George's Hospital, London, United Kingdom 分享智慧 共同成长 刊文概览 人工智能和机器学习能帮助我们治疗败血症吗? COVID19是否对ICU护士的心理健康造成了更大的损害?