electric field (redirected fromElectric field intensity) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Electric field intensity:electric potential electric field n. A region of space characterized by the existence of a force generated by electric charge. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
The meaning of FIELD INTENSITY is the attribute of a magnetic, electric, gravitational, or other field of force that at any point is measured by the force which the field exerts upon a unit pole, unit charge, or unit mass placed at that point —called al
PURPOSE:To dislay a direction to be moved toward an usable zone even if a mobile equipment exists at the outside of zone by providing an electric field azimuth notifying means notifying the azimuth of electric field based on a signal from a level detection section. CONSTITUTION:A level storage...
theintensityof an electric field Medical Definition intensity noun in·ten·si·tyin-ˈten(t)-sət-ē pluralintensities 1 :the quality or state of beingintense especially:extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling ...
Electric field intensity is also known as the electric field strength. The formula for electric field strength can also be derived from Coulomb’s law. This law gives the relation between the charges of the particles and the distance between them. Here, the two charges are ‘q’ and ‘Q’...
From an examination of about 1000 electric field wave forms produced by lightning return strokes in 16 storms at distances between 20 and 100 km from an observation site at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, a typical return stroke current wave form is derived. For this current wave form, the...
Learn the definition of Electric field intensity and browse a collection of 55 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) application effects on human cells: intracellular membrane disruption and apoptosis induction Summary form only given. Pulse power technology using high intensity (up to 300 kV/cm) nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) has been applied for bacte... SJ ...
The meaning of RADIO FIELD INTENSITY is the electromagnetic field intensity consisting of an electric and a magnetic field intensity produced by a radio wave and commonly expressed in millivolts per meter or microvolts per meter.