intemperateness如何读 in·tem·per·ate(ˌ)in-ˈtem-p(ə-)rət intemperateness是什么意思 adj.无节制的;放纵的;酗酒的 intemperateness英英释义 Adjective: (of weather or climate) not mild; subject to extremes; "an intemperate climate" ...
名词[intemperate] 的变形;无节制;放纵;过度 英语解释 consumption of alcoholic drinks excess in action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence相似单词 intemperateness n. [intemperate] 的变形;无节制;放纵;过度 最新...
2 : lacking or showing lack of restraint intemperate language 3 : given to excessive use of alcoholic beverages intemperately adverb intemperateness noun More from Merriam-Webster on intemperate Nglish: Translation of intemperate for Spanish Speakers Last...
intemperateness 是什么意思 intemperateness n.intemperate的变形 intemperate[in'tempərət] adj. 无节制的;放纵的;过度的 酗酒的,纵酒的 (气候)严酷的;不温和的 (言辞)激烈的;过激的 英英释义 intemperateness n. consumption of alcoholic drinks
Define intemperateness. intemperateness synonyms, intemperateness pronunciation, intemperateness translation, English dictionary definition of intemperateness. adj. 1. Not temperate or moderate, especially in rhetoric or tone; unrestrained: an intemperat
[网页版] | 返回首页 | 登陆 | 注册官网微信 单词/词组检索intemperateness 级别 附加级 音标 [ ] 解释 英英释义 发音 例句 1. 2. 轻松背单词 | 本站导航 | 英语听力 | 网页版 | 官网微信
Martin said to Caris: “I don’t know why my master is so intemperate.” En Martin va dir a la Caris: —No entenc per què és tan temperamental el meu senyor. Literature See, friend Ned, see the monstrous effects of intemperance!” Vegeu, amic Ned, vegeu els monstruosos ...
基本释义 [ intemperate ]的相关名词 英英解释 2个名词解释 consumption of alcoholic drinks [同]intemperance,intemperateness excess in action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence [同]intemperance,intemperateness,self-indulgence ...
intemperateness 释义 请查阅词条:intemperate 随便看 Aston Martin astonmartin aston-villa Aston Villa astonvilla a storm in a teacup astor,-nancy Astor, Nancy astor,nancy as to something as to sth as to the manner born (as) to the manner born as tough as nails astound astounded astounded asto...
单词/词组检索 intemperateness [] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供 单词级别 附加级 基本释义 参考例句 推荐阅读