我的文件 构建.gradle buildscript { ext { springBootVersion = '1.3.0.RELEASE' } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:${springBootVersion}") } } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'eclipse-wtp' apply plugin: 'idea' ap...
Spring Boot & IntelliJ IDEA: Auto reload Thymeleaf templates without restart十月17, 2018 In this article 👇 Method 1: Spring Boot Dev Tools Method 2: Change Thymeleaf Templates Path Method 3: Gulp WatchSpring Boot is fast becoming a popular choice for building standalone, Spring-based & ...
compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator') compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools') compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc') compile('org.projectlombok:lombok') compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web') compile('net.sourcef...
This is something that started happening after I upgraded to 1.1.1.RELEASE with 1.0.2.RELEASE I don't have that problem. When I run spring boot in debug mode from IntelliJ (OSX 10.9.3) using IntelliJ's maven run configuration with the sp...
Reload workspace Run application Expected: LocalDevToolsAutoConfiguration is applied and the Devtools are working Actual: LocalDevToolsAutoConfiguration is not initialized, because of the ConditionalOnInitializedRestarter. The dynamic.classpath changes the class loader to the URLClassLoader, which is not ...
Java - Run/Debug are not working in IntelliJ IDEA, 0. You have to create a new configuration for Kotlin and specify the main class which would be lesson1.task1.SimpleKt. Then the disabled arrow will turn green and be clickable. If you want to run the other examples you have to create...
Fixed the autosave feature so it works as expected even with open pop-ups. [IDEA-128672] Fixed the WSL 2 error that would occur when trying to reload all Maven projects or execute a Maven goal. [IDEA-266222] Fixed the error causing exploded WAR not to be generated when theDelegate IDE...
Update classes and resources:All changed resources will be updated; changed classes will be recompiled. Note that whether the actual classes will be updated depends on the capabilities web server. If I recall, Tomcat will reload html/xhtml and jsp files, but not Servlets or classes that JSPs ...
IntelliJ IDEA bundles Apache Maven so you don’t have to install it first to use it. This usually works well. However, if you are working with a team on a project, all the members of the team will probably want to work with the same version of Maven. In IntelliJ IDEA, switching to...