14.@Autowired 引入对象出现警告:File ->setting ->editor ->Inspections ->Spring ->Spring Core ->Code ->Autowiring for Bean Class 调整Error为Waring 15.配置打开序列化接口 serialVersionUID检查 16.配置文件乱码 File ->setting ->editor ->file Encodings 打上对勾 17. copyright(配置版权) Editor->Copyr...
解决方法: File=> Other Settings=> Setting for New Projects File=> Other Settings=> Structure for New Projects 缓冲区大小 File=> Settings=> Editor=> General=> Console=> Override console cycle buffer size(1024KB) 索引 File=> Settings=> Tools=> Shared Indexes=> Public Shared Indexes=>...
如上图所示,我们需要从菜单栏中的 File -> New Projects Setup -> Perferences for New Projects 为入口进入修改项目,这样进行修改了之后就对所有的项目都生效了。 02 Maven 在安装完成之后会默认有一个 Setting.xml 的一个全局配置,我们也可以在「IntelliJ IDEA」 中配置对应当前用户的 Setting.xml 03 一般来说...
路径:File | Settings | New Project Setup|Setting for New Projects 文件编码 目的:将文件编码格式...
Open the Settings for New Projects dialog (File | New Projects Setup | Settings for New Projects) , go to Tools | File Watchers, and select the checkboxes next to the required File Watchers. Alternatively, on the Welcome Screen, select Settings from the Configure list. In the dialog that ...
打开File-->Other Settings-->Settings for new Projects-->Editor-->File Encodings(作用于所有新建项目),将3处编码都设为UTF-8以及勾上ASCII,然后点击Apply–>OK即可。 3、设置自动导包 打开File-->Settings-->Editor-->General-->Auto Import,选择All,其余全都勾上 ...
As you can see on screenshot below, I'm using IntelliJ to compile and run projects. It's faster than Gradle and Composite Builds are not working with Gradle properly anyway. I have to change this setting for every new project and this is annoying... ...
false = show Settings for all projects. Configurable displayName yes (2) The non-localized Settings name visible to users, which is needed for the Settings dialog left-side menu. For a localized visible name omit displayName and use the key and bundle attributes. Configurable ConfigurableProvider...
法1:File=> Open Recent=> Manage Projects=> 删除项目 法2:关闭所有Idea页面=> 打开Idea软件=> 在左侧一栏删除 0 classes 0 lines covered 若运行时误点击了Run 'xxx' with Coverage,则会出现这个。 解决方法:ctrl + alt + F6=> 取消勾选项目=> No Coverage ...
A project in IntelliJ IDEA is a shell that keeps modules together, provides dependencies between them, and stores their shared configuration. For more information about projects and modules, refer toConfigure projects. To quickly find any action, setting, file, or symbol in a project, use theSea...