Selected version of Java 17 is not supported by the project SDK '1.8'. Either choose a lower version of Java, or set a higher version of the SDK. To download additional SDKs, click the Project SDK drop-down. 问题原因: 电脑本地安装的JDK版本与IDEA创建Spring工程时默认的JDK版本17不一致,调...
Once you have configured and created an application, the IDE will automatically download and set up the chosen Java version, allowing you to jump straight into coding without having to switch contexts. Similarly, when you open an existing project, IntelliJ IDEA automatically checks whether there is...
选择主函数所在类 ,点击" Main class from " 右侧的 " … " 按钮进行设置 , 在弹出的 " Select Main Class " 对话框中选择主函数类 , 该步骤配置完之后的对话框如下 ,点击" Next " 按钮 , 继续配置 , " 6. JRE " 选项中设置最低 JDK 版本 1.8 , 在 " Allow JREs with a beta version number ...
展开Advanced Settings(高级设置)版块,取消选中Auto-select(自动选择),然后指定首选选项。 您可以在Gradle version(Gradle 版本)组合框下方启用Use these settings for future projects(将这些设置用于未来的项目),让 IDE 记住您的选择。 从Gradle 工具链检测 Java SDK ...
Version 2023.2 or newer of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition is required to build and develop for the IntelliJ Platform. Opening the IntelliJ Source Code for Build Using IntelliJ IDEA File | Open, select the <IDEA_HOME> directory. If IntelliJ IDEA displays an erro...
我希望使用JDK11,并将环境变量JAVA_HOME设置为JDK11 11的path。当我使用cmd窗口执行代码时,它可以按照我的要求工作,但是如果我在Intellij中运行它,JDK将改为JDK8。 我确信我已经将项目设置--Project--Project设置为JDK11。项目语言级别的是SDK默认的(11- lambda参数的局部变量语法)。模块--源代码--语言级别...
Let's select the Java option, which is what we need for our project and Gradle since we are creating a Gradle project. IntelliJ IDEA automatically adds a project SDK (JDK) in the JDK field. In our tutorial, we use the open JDK 14 version. You can change the selected JDK, IntelliJ ID...
.annotation.RestController;import java.util.List;@RestControllerpublic class DbController {/*** 注入 jdbcTemplate 模板对象*/@Autowiredprivate JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;@GetMapping("/queryDbVersion")public List queryDbVersion() {return jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT banner as 版本信息 FROM v$version")...
Java version must be set depending on the target platform version. 2024.2+: Java 21 2022.3+: Java 17 (blog post) 2020.3+: Java 11 (blog post) com.intellij.openapi.application.NonBlockingReadAction.finishOnUiThread Consumer<T> Consumer<? super T> ...
javaspringjar 注意1. sql语句 ,是通过对象查询的表 ,虽然可以出现select 但是却不能出现通配符 *,故可以省略 Select * 2 .区别 getCurrentSession 与openSession 方法的用法 getCurrentSession:当前session 必须要有事务边界, 且只能处理唯一的一个事务。当事务提交或者回滚后session 自动失效 openSession:每次都会打...