点击右上角的“Configure”按钮,选择“Plugins”。 在插件市场中搜索“Protobuf Plugin”并安装。 重启IntelliJ IDEA以使插件生效。三、在IntelliJ IDEA中使用protobuf插件 打开或创建一个.proto文件。在IntelliJ IDEA中,可以直接打开或创建.proto文件,该文件定义了Protocol Buffers的数据结构和消息类型。 生成Java代码。...
JetBrains s.r.o. Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studioand16 more
Protocol Buffers is Google’s cross-platform library for serializing structured data. The dedicatedProtocol Buffersplugin now comes out of the box with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, and the JetBrains team will fully maintain it. We want to thank the previous maintainer – Jeremy Volkman – for working o...
您现在可以在.proto文件和生成的代码之间轻松导航。 确保 gRPC 和 Protocol Buffers 插件均已启用。 Spring Shell 的代码洞察改进 Ultimate IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 现在可以识别使用 Spring Shell 库声明的 CLI 命令并检查其是否正确。 对JAX-RS 端点的改进支持 ...
Protocol Buffers support for IntelliJ IntelliJpluginfor editing GoogleProtocol Buffers. Features include: Support forproto2andproto3 Syntax highlighting Code completion Semantic analysis References and navigation Quick documentation Editor enhancements (completion, brace matching, etc.) ...
The Kubernetes plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 provides integration with theTelepresencetool in order to intercept HTTP requests from services in the K8s cluster and route them to your service running locally. This allows you to debug those services more easily and run only the required subset of ...
在IntelliJ中,我遇到了编译器错误,因为我没有显式运行Google Protocol Buffers来读取这个dostuff.proto并生成DoStuffGrpc和DoStuffRequestJava源代码。 当我在本地运行Maven构建并在本地计算机上运行应用程序时,它会启动,我可以手动测试DoStuffClient中的代码,并验证它是否正常工作。因此,我认为Maven正确地生成了Java源代码...
According to this threadprotocolbuffers/protobuf#1206it might be because of incompatibility between the version of my generated code, and IntelliJ's version of grpc/protobuf. Not sure how I can resolve this, or even how I can find which versions IntelliJ ships.@karollewandowskimight know. ...
(221.4906.8), Protocol Buffers (221.4906.8), Mercurial (221.4906.8), Space (221.4906.8), Shell Script (221.4906.8), Settings Sync (221.4906.8), Projector Libraries for Code With Me and Remote Development (221.4906.8), SSH Remote Run (221.4906.8), FTP/SFTP Connectivity (ex. Remote Hosts...
PluginManager - Module intellij.haml/watcher is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.plugins.watcher is not availableModule intellij.protoeditor.python is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.modules.python is not availableModule intellij.protoeditor.go is not enabled because ...