from Disk,如图 3.选择下载好的插件导入,就可以解决了## 标题...如何解决Android Studio3.5以上插件无法下载的问题 AS在3. 5版本及以上plugin(插件)有无法联网下载的问题,可以通过预先下载插件再导入的方法解决步骤如下: 进去官方插件下载 IDEA 2019.3 下载插件 Plugins Nothing found ...
Plugin [id: 'org.springframework.boot', version: '2.1.7.RELEASE'] was not found in any of the following sources: - Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace) - Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact 'org.springframework.boot:org.springframework.boot.grad...
plugin.xml: Error: 0 Share 1 comment Sort by Ivan Pajic Created September 27, 2023 15:47 For issues with plugin development please refer to:
Intellij IDEA 有一个自己的官方的插件仓库,但是当我们的开发的 Intellij IDEA 的插件不能够对外公开时...
我通过maven命令行成功安装了maven-surefire-plugin版本2.22.2:mvn install.它下载了插件,但IntelliJ...
我通过maven命令行成功安装了maven-surefire-plugin版本2.22.2:mvn install.它下载了插件,但IntelliJ...
Hi, I create a plugin project for intellij using intellij. Then Run it, I get an error in the console: ``` JDK Required: 'tools.jar' seems to be not in IDEA classpath. Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.
Android Studio 3.5 搜索插件marketplace plugins are not loaded 问题的可能的解决方法 基本信息 之前试过的无效的方法 对我有用的方法 基本信息 win10 没连v*n AS 3.5 之前试过的无效的方法 1.不勾选 Use secure cocnnection 2.各种plugin文件夹替换 3.关闭防火墙(我用的是火绒) 对我有用的方法 如果其....
想开发一个intellij的插件,从github创建模版导入到 intellij IDEA 2021.2.3(Community Edition)后编辑报错 Aproblem occurred configuring root project'test_intellij_plugin'.>Couldnot resolve all artifactsforconfiguration':classpath'.>Couldnot resolve org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins:gradle-intellij-plugin:1.1.6.Re...