IntelliJ Platform SDK Extend the IntelliJ Platform by creating plugins, custom language support, or UI themes. Quick Start Guide Basics of working with the IntelliJ Platform and creating plugins. Get started Developing a Plugin Get started building IDE plugins....
ProjectJdksEditoris specific to Java, making the operation around "SDK" difficult. The recommended way of managing "SDK" settings is to create aCustomStepProjectGeneratorimplementation and save settings in aPersistentStateComponent.
The IntelliJ Platform provides all the infrastructure that these IDEs need to provide rich language tooling support. It is a component-driven, cross-platform JVM based application host with a high-level user interface toolkit for creatingtool windows, tree views, and lists (supporting fast search) ...
除非你在Mac上使用官方JDK,否则你需要手动添加/lib/tools.jar到classpath中。 配置IntelliJ Platform SDK 打开File | Project Structure新建一个IntelliJ Platform SDK: Java SDK选择我们刚刚建立的IDEA jdk: 然后我们可以把下载的IDEA社区版源码添加到源码路径中,这样在调试时,就可以调试IDEA自身的代码了: 第一个插件...
IntelliJ SDK Platform Documentation. Contribute to JetBrains/intellij-sdk-docs development by creating an account on GitHub.
开发环境安装IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition下载IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition源码添加IDEA jdk配置IntelliJ Platform SDK第一个插件新建工程新建一个Action运行插件参考资料《Java 20… 芋道源码发表于芋道源码 IDEA 插件开发入门教程 汉松的技术笔记 IDEA 插件开发入门教程 IntelliJ IDEA 是目前最好用的 JAVA 开发 IDE...
IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide
安装IDEA,如果想在开发插件的过程中进行Debug,那么还需要把IDEA的源码下载下来(Github源码地址) 配置IntelliJ Platform SDK,也就是开发插件所需的SDK,类似开发Android应用时需要Android SDK,并且插件都是运行在JVM上的,所以也需要配置JDK的路径 指定Sandbox Home目录,Sandbox Home目录用于存放插件项目实例的一些配置文件。
tools at JetBrains and around the world, today we are pleased to introduce a new home for theIntelliJ Platform documentation. There, you will find developer docs for writing plugins within IntelliJ IDEA, and advice for building applications on the same SDK that powers many of JetBrains’ tools....
没有。Platform 的行为研究了半天早就没耐心了,有心情写文档的人就更少了,莫名其妙的坑遍地都是(...