11.修改plugin.xml <!-- Plugin Configuration File. Read more: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/plugin-configuration-file.html --><idea-plugin><id>com.github.vhawkmi.sk</id><name>IntelliJ Platform Plugin sk</name><vendor>vhawkmi</vendor><!-- Product and plugin compatibility requ...
Missing essential plugin: com.intellij (platform prefix: null) Please reinstall IntelliJ IDEA from scratch. 安装好idea后运行时报错如上,重新安装和编辑disabled_plugins.txt都没法解决问题。最后这样修复: 在C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2022.1文件夹下 找到文件 idea64.exe.vmopt...
启动完成后点击Create New Project创建新的项目,在新的界面中点击左侧IntelliJ Platform Plugin,右侧选择 Project SDK,若第一次创建插件项目下拉列表没有选项,则需点击右侧New指定 SDK 目录。 完成后点击Next进入下一步,在弹出框中选择 JDK,最后点击Finish。 创建Action plugin.xml 文件是插件项目的配置文件,和 Android...
打开idea下的File->Settings->Plugins界面,在此界面下选择Install Plugin From Disk ...选项,在弹出的...
edited Hello! I am facing a problem when I try to use vosk withintellij-platform-plugin-template Environment: Windows 10 Java 1.8.0_302 64-bit BTW, such projectworks on mac welland recognize speech from wav file without any exceptions ...
1.在Intellij中新建工程,工程类型选择IntelliJ Platform Plugin 这里要注意一点,插件开发使用的不是java jdk而是IntelliJ IDEA的SDK 工程类型 二.总体说明 IntlliJ的插件由一个个Action组成,而我们编程的入口也是这个Action 三.Action 3.1创建Action 在New->Pugin DevKit->Action选择Actin创建Action ...
with the platform being responsible for creatingExtensions. The IntelliJ Platform fully supportsplugins, and JetBrains hosts theJetBrains Marketplace, which can be used to distribute plugins that support one or more of the products. It is also possible to distribute plugins using aCustom Plugin Reposi...
IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains Community IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Users Missing Plugins in Code with Me Session FollowFollowed by 2 people RVRX Created June 08, 2022 22:43When connected to a code with me session not all the plugins are available? I'm coding in Elix...
I’m developing a gradle based plugin to integrate JmonkeyEngine into IntelliJ. It is a java game engine. When the game engine starts it loads resources from the resources folder such as models, fonts, etc. When I start the engine in a IntelliJ plugin the resources are not found. ...
Broken plugin verification and builds for partial versions of IDEbug #1753 openedAug 29, 2024byPakisan 2 Download intellij platform sources does nothingbugdepends on IDEA #1750 openedAug 27, 2024byjonathanlermitage 5 SLF4J providers clashingbug ...