网上搜索相关方法时,都会说只要在设置中进行如下设置即可(在Do not step into the classes中去掉JDK相关类的复选): 实际上这样做是有一个前提的:不能使用Oracle官方的JDK。 我一直使用的是Oracle官方的JDK,在测试的时候,发现即便按照上图设置后,依然无法进入ArrayList中打的断点。后来更换Ope......
Google Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), GoLandand2 more
Bazel project support. Features: Import BUILD files into the IDE. BUILD file custom language support. Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule classes...
During adebugging session, you launch your program with the debugger attached to it. The purpose of the debugger is to interfere with the program execution and provide you with the information on what’s happening under the hood. This facilitates the process of detecting and fixing bugs in your...
We have improved and expanded our Java inspections to assist you in maintaining high-quality code and detecting potential issues more effectively. A newIncorrect ‘MessageFormat’ patterninspection will now warn you when pattern references do not match the arguments. ...
During adebugging session, you launch your program with the debugger attached to it. The purpose of the debugger is to interfere with the program execution and provide you with the information on what’s happening under the hood. This facilitates the process of detecting and fixing bugs in your...
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2 can accurately guess the location of a method in a stack trace report even when line numbers are not available or have diverged. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate can now better analyze concatenations and interpolations of SQL in Java and Kotlin, detecting potentially unsafe queries and...
CTRL+F9, it seems that the class get compiled but after some seconds the little green tooltip states "Loaded classes are up to date. Nothing to reload". When I look at the time stamp of the .class file, I still see the time of the last successful compilation and...
Java is a first class citizen with Play! 1.x and is the language to use. Scala is supported from version 1.2.x, however the Java support is more polished. My originalPlay! + Herokuguide uses Play! 1.2.x. Play! 2.0 At the time of writingPlay! 2.0is not yet released, and is still...
Selenium page object generator - Added support for an experimental tool for detecting DOM elements of a web application. Before using it you need to install the Selenium UI Testing plugin. The page object generator supports Java, Kotlin and Groovy and frameworks such as Selenium, FluentLenium, Sel...