在右侧选择“Dependencies”选项卡,点击下方的“+”号,选择要添加的库类型(例如:JAR Files、From Maven…等),然后选择要添加的库文件或Maven依赖项,并完成添加。 检查插件和扩展:某些IDEA插件或扩展可能会影响“Add as Library”选项的可见性。检查IDEA的插件和扩展设置,禁用或卸载最近安装的插件或扩展,以查看是否解...
方法1:File –> Project Structure导入方法 进入:File –> Project Structure 找到Modules->Dependencies,点击最右侧的绿色+号 如图: 选择1或者2都可以。 然后选择自己的jar包所在目录。 方法2:右键添加Jar包 在你需要导入的Jar包上,点击右键,选择Add as Library 点... ...
方法一:直接复制(不推荐) 直接将硬盘上的jar包复制粘贴到项目的lib目录下 右击lib→add as Library(首次创建lib时) 方法二:通过Modules的Dependencies添加(推荐) 打开 File → Project Structure (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S) 单击 Modules → Dependencies &r......
一、引用jar文件 1.将jar文件复制、粘贴到app的libs目录中; 2.右键点击jar文件,并点击弹出菜单中的“Add As Library”,将jar文件作为类库添加到项目中; 3.选择指定的类库。 注:如果不执行2、3步,jar文件将不起作用,并且不能使用import语句引用。 二、引用so文件 网上有很多引用so文件的方法,多数都很麻烦,...
Using IntelliJ "as a library" Followed by 4 people Answered Alex CreatedNovember 04, 2021 21:00 I would like to use code from an IntelliJ plugin in my own code. Specifically,https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-intellij-pluginhas an AsciiDoc parser, which is a piece of software that...
After you define a library and add it to module dependencies, the IDE will be supplying its contents to you as you write your code. IntelliJ IDEA will also use the code from the libraries to build and deploy your application. tip You can also create a new library from the JAR files loc...
After you define a library and add it to module dependencies, the IDE will be supplying its contents to you as you write your code. IntelliJ IDEA will also use the code from the libraries to build and deploy your application. tip You can also create a new library from the JAR files loc...
Should work for multi-selection as well. 0 Permanently deleted user 创建于 2007年05月15日15:42 +1Also add the reverse operation to easily remove a jar from a library. 0 Permanently deleted user 创建于 2007年05月15日17:05 +1Good one 0 Permanently deleted user 创建于 2007年05...
对于lib目录下的.jar文件,即项目所需的依赖包,我们可以通过右键Add as Library..,将这些依赖包作为一个 Java 类库给我们使用。 5. 配置 Tomcat 并启动 配置Tomcat,由于在创建项目的时候,我们已经配置了 Application Server 这个选项,选择了 Tomcat,所以这里不需要进行配置,点击 IDEA 右上角的三角符号即可启动 Tomca...
Why can't I add the play-java-ebean_2.10-sources.jar file to my IntelliJ project as an external library? The play-java-ebean_2.10-sources.jar file you are trying to add contains only source code, which is useful for debugging purposes but not for compiling. For your project, you need ...