IntelliJ IDEA opens the Structure tool window that displays a map of your diagram with a small preview of the selected block and its neighbors. Use the context menu to zoom in and out, move canvas, change layout, and export part of the diagram into an image. Add an existing class to ...
IntelliJ IDEA opens the Structure tool window that displays a map of your diagram with a small preview of the selected block and its neighbors. Use the context menu to zoom in and out, move canvas, change layout, and export part of the diagram into an image. You can perform different ...
1》 条件断点 IDEA 可以设置指定条件的断点,增加我们调试的效率。2》模拟异常 IDEA 可以在打断点的方法栈处,强制抛出异常给调用方。这个在调试源码的时候非常有用。3》 Evaluate Expression IDEA 还可以在调试代码的时候,动态修改当前方法栈中变量的值,方便我们的调试。插件方面 1. 插件安装 File -> Setting -...
Hi, It's a nice idea. Some feedback for enhancements. There's no empty state - I didn't have any resources in my project. Initially, I didn't realize this and was confused about how to use the plugin. The plus and minus buttons for Zoom aren't very intuitive. I would prefer usin...
Instrumentation in java.lang.Thread does not work when running as Debug mode in Intellij Idea Watch variables: blue screen lag Editor. Editing Text Join Lines on selected text also joins not selected text Find, Replace, Find Usages "Search Everywhere" is missing files ...
IntelliJ IDEA快速入门 | 第十一篇:IntelliJ IDEA中的常用配置(三)——设置鼠标滚轮修改字体大小,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Go to Settings/Preferences, then Appearance & Behavior | Appearance, and enable the 'Use custom font' option. This will let you change the font and its size for the IntelliJ IDEA GUI.Let's see what you learned! When adjusting the font size for different panels in IntelliJ, such as the ...
action.Graph.zoom.actual=Actual size in action.Graph.zoom.out=Zoom out action.Graph.grid.hide=Hide Grid Grid action.Graph.grid.snap=Snap To Grid Edge Labels
PolyBPMN plugin for IntelliJ IDEA is a visualiser for BPMN diagrams with navigation and process debugging support. It supports editing and visualising BPMN diagrams created in such modellers as Activiti, Camunda, and Flowable. We are waiting for your fee
问题: idea中默认的代码自动提示快捷键是Basic : Ctrl+空格(可以再搜索框中输入basic快速查找),这个和安装的中文输入法切换快捷键冲突,所以需要修改。 根据使用STS的习惯, ALT+/ 来提示代码. 但Alt+/ 被Cyclic Expand Word占用,所以先修改Cyclic Expand Word的快捷键,右键Remove Alt+/。