I cannot use the command line tools inside directories that contain swedish letters, is there any way to change this? I have unicode in my terminal settings so there shouldn't be any problems there. See picture below for what popup i get. ...
Both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse IDE are free to download and use, with IntelliJ offering a paid version for additional functionality (the “Ultimate Edition”) that we mentioned above. Being a junior developer, free is the perfect price-tag, though it’s important to remember there are other n...
It’s been 5 days, I am trying to connect Tomcat9 server with IntelliJ Ultimate 2019.1.3 in Ubuntu 19.04, asked everywhere, Reddit, Askubuntu, ubuntuforms, etc even in IntelliJ community. After solving many other issues, in 5th day, a dev from IntelliJ community recommended this webpage. ...
Both IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse IDE are free to download and use, with IntelliJ offering a paid version for additional functionality (the “Ultimate Edition”) that we mentioned above. Being a junior developer, free is the perfect price-tag, though it’s important to remember there are other n...
I've been using JetBrains products since 2004 (ReSharper) and 2009 (IDEA) and you're destroying everything. Find another way to occupy yourself, put your hands off the existing UI, no one asked you to do it, so just don't do it. Don't fix som...
I started with PHPStorm, then I needed support for other languages and switched to IntelliJ Idea Ultimate since I was told that's the IDE to go if you want to combine multiple languages. Besides having all the Java stuff (which I don't need), it worked kinda well (reall...