Tips & Tricks Streamline Your Workflow in IntelliJ IDEA’s Database Tools With AI Assistant In IntelliJ IDEA, you can leverage AI Assistant’s capabilities within Database Tools for more efficient data querying and handling. It can significantly speed up SQL query generation, explain code, suggest...
tips and tricks 要写注释? 使用 IntelliJ IDEA 让您的代码注释更专业 可能很多开发者会对这篇文章的标题嗤之以鼻。 毕竟,专业开发者不需要注释就能写出自己看得懂、别人也看得懂的代码。 只不过,这谈何容易? 因此,本文要讲的就是如何才能快速有效地注释代码。 代码中有多种类型的注释,并不是所有注释都暗示...
Running IntelliJ IDEA IDE can be taxing on your machine, especially for large projects, here are a few tips, which can help you to achieve better performance.
如果你感觉对这篇的设置有点摸不到头脑(牵强),那些可以先去看看IntelliJ-IDEA-Tutorial,里面关于IDEA的中文资料非常全面,重点是理解这些快捷键,而不是死记。 参考资源 42 IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks 从零开始IntelliJ-IDEA的中文资料 简化提速版本的AceJumpLite,原版本的AceJump太卡了 让各类括号更具辨识度的rainb...
IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks 使用技巧 1.Autoscroll form Source 如何定位到文件所在位置 如果是单module项目大部分时候是用不到该配置,而对于多个sub-module项目时通过打开该配置可以定位当前类是在哪个module中定义。 Autoscroll from Source 2.Hide all the windows 隐藏所有窗 ...
If you have your IDE set the way you like, it may be a good idea to back up all settings. Sometimes, it's good to have common settings across all team members. IntelliJ IDEA gives you the ability to archive and export all or specific settings....
Idea 2020.1 introduced Zen Mode. It is just a convenience feature, which combines Distraction Free Mode and Fullscreen as these are often used together. Previously it was quite inconvenient to toggle them both. To enter Zen Mode go to:
Basic code completion helps you complete the names of classes, methods, fields, and keywords within the visibility scope. When you invoke code completion, IntelliJ IDEA analyzes the context and suggests the choices that are reachable from the current caret position (suggestions also include Live temp...
Basic code completion helps you complete the names of classes, methods, fields, and keywords within the visibility scope. When you invoke code completion, IntelliJ IDEA analyzes the context and suggests the choices that are reachable from the current caret position (suggestions also include Live temp...
42 IntelliJ IDEA tips and tricks This hit video will teach you 42 invaluable keyboard-centric tips and tricks to boost your productivity. Mastering keyboard shortcuts A curated list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts and advanced tips.