IDEA教育邮箱注册 1.在网址申请注册邮箱 2.填写基本资料,包括邮箱 3.点击Apply for a free student or teacher license 4.点击Apply Now按钮 5.进一步填写资料6.注册成功,其中需要看你的教育邮箱收到的信息。智能推荐数仓--Hive--总结之Hive架构原理 什么是Hive Hive是...
官网: 选择I'm a student,毕业日期名字随便填 填写教育邮箱地址,勾选接受许可协议,点击 Apply for Free Products。 图片 图片 这时,你的教育邮箱会收到一封来自JetBrains官方的邮件 如果你学校的服务器能接收国外邮件的话,那么,当你打开邮箱,可看到一封标题为“JetBrains Education...
1.浏览器访问 2.点击DOWNLOAD进入版本选择页选择专业版或社区版下载(如果你是学生可以用学生证获得永久免费使用专业版资格或者...,所以安装上了,如果不需要可以跳过4.5步): Lombok插件的作用是使项目中引入Lombok依赖正常起效; Spring Assistant插件的作用是在编辑yml文件时提高提示辅助...
IntelliJ IDEA的学生激活其实很简单,主要是使用edu邮箱注册很可能会提示:Sorry, we can't accept your email address because we are not able to identify...
When I want to get a free license for IntelliJIDEA Ultimate, I encounter the following warning. I am a student and my situation is suitable for me to get this license.Sorry, a*** email address is blocked. Please use another email address....
GitHub Student Developer 7. 建议使用 JetBrains Toolbox 安装 ...
IntelliJ IDEA has two versions: the free IntelliJ IDEA Community version and the paid IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate version. IntelliJ IDEA is renowned for a polished user experience and extensive functionality. While the free version, IntelliJ IDEA Community doesn’t offer the full suite of integrations, ...
IntelliJ IDEA之常用模板 1 public class templateTest { 2 //模板一:psvm 3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4 5 //模板二:sout 6 System.out.println("Hello!"); 7 //模板二的变形:soutp/soutm/souv/xxx.sout 8 System.out.println("templateTest.main"...
The IEEE Student Branch at the University of Passau invited JetBrains to their July 9th technical ta… Philip Torchinsky June 30, 2015 2 IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm: InfoWorld’s 2015 Technology of the Year Award Winners On January 26th, 2015, InfoWorld announced their 2015 Technology of ...