IntelliJ IDEA 毫无疑问是软件开发者的首选 IDE。 It makes Java and Kotlin development a more productive and enjoyable experience.
领先的 Java 和 Kotlin IDE 选择适用于 Intel 或 Apple Silicon 的安装程序 系统要求 安装说明 其他版本 第三方软件 我们致力于回馈我们出色的社区,这就是为什么 IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 完全免费供用户使用 IntelliJ IDEA Community 面向Java 和 Kotlin 爱好者的 IDE...
The master branch contains the source code which will be used to create the next major version of IntelliJ IDEA. The branch names and build numbers for older releases of IntelliJ IDEA can be found on the page ofBuild Number Ranges.
IntelliJ 平台是 JetBrains 开发的一款 OSS 平台,用于构建 IDE 和能够感知编程语言的开发者工具。IntelliJ IDEA、Android Studio、CUBA Studio 和 Cursive 等众多平台都在使用它。 基于 Java 构建,它提供了一种跨平台的方法来为任何语言构建工具,无论其目标是否为 JVM。 It is available under anApache 2.0license a...
IntelliJ IDEA RubyMine PyCharm WebStorm PhpStorm CLion DataGrip GoLand DataSpell Plugin Development RustRover Writerside Aqua 知识库 安装和授权 已知的问题 故障排除 常规用法 WebStorm IntelliJ IDEA Users 提交请求
IntelliJ IDEA 破解之后,用了一段时间后,打开软件提示no suitable licenses left on the license server 需要让我们重新注册,原来是之前的地址服务更改为了新的地址: 所以我们在使用服务器激活的时候使用新的地址代替原来的地址即可:http://jetbrains-license-server/ ...
My MacBook Pro (M1) upgraded to Sonoma 14.0. The JetBrains toolbox launches on startup, but launching either the IntelliJ Ultimate app or...
Known breaking changes. Notable API Changes Notable changes and new features. Tools IntelliJ Platform Explorer Explore extensions and listeners in open source plugins. Plugin Ideas Browse and vote on suggestions for new plugins. Was this page helpful? YesNo...
We are happy to confirm thatAndroid Studio, the new IDE for Android development that Google is developing in cooperation with JetBrains, is based on the IntelliJ Platform and the existing functionality ofIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. IntelliJ IDEA had support for Android proj...
The fourth week of the IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 Early Access Program brings highly anticipated features such as project tabs for the new UI on macOS and support for the Astro framework. The new build also introduces improvements for the profiler’sFlame graph,an updatedCoverageview, and the long-awa...