在Scala 3 中,IntelliJ IDEA 现在可以让您选择对透明内联方法调用使用基于编译器的类型推断。 此增强改进了对依赖宏的库的支持,为基于宏的代码解锁了所有基于类型的功能(例如代码补全、导航、类型提示等)。 此功能目前处于实验阶段。 IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3 提供对命名元组的全面支持,这是 Scala 3.5 中的一项新实验性...
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.1 Is Out We’ve just released IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.1. You can update to this version from inside the IDE, via the Toolbox App, or by using snaps for Ubuntu. You can also download it from our website. This release brings support for a variety of Java 23 language...
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 EAP 6 is here! This new build is packed with a bunch of updates anticipated for the next major release. Highlights include an enhanced user experience with logs, advanced debugging capabilities, and improved integration with version control systems. You can download the new ve...
IntelliJ IDEA 凭借无与伦比的 Java 和 Kotlin 支持脱颖而出。从一开始就支持尖端语言功能,保持领先地位。 深度代码理解 IntelliJ IDEA 对您的代码了如指掌,利用这些知识在每个上下文中提供相关建议,实现极快的导航和智能体验。 开箱即用的无缝体验 从首次启动开始享受卓越工具集。关键工具和多种支持语言与框架触手...
This plugin has always been an indispensable tool in my workflow, and it’s a relief to see it updated so promptly for the new IntelliJ release. Its intuitive functionality and consistent stability make it a must-have for any developer. ...
The IDE arena is surprisingly active since the release of IDEA 4.5 (Pallada). When Pallada was released, IDEA was on a very comfortable position as the best IDE out there, hands down. There were some contenders, of course, but none ...
软件版本:ideaIU-2016.3.2 JDK:jdk-9.0.4_windows-x64_bin 开始的时候建立一个maven项目,发现编译的时候提示【无效的标记: -release】,以为是项目问题,于是新建项目,写个最简单helloworld编译,还是提示一样的错误 于是上网找各种答案,无意看到一个帖子:http://ask.csdn.net/questions/667515?sort=votes_count ,...
Any chance this plugin will be in-sync with latest AS release? 1 reply Reply +1 Andrej Martinák 06.05.2024 I cannot use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, that I am paying for, because this plugin is always out of date for any new project I work on ...
一、idea配置图解说明 在pom.xml 里引入spring-boot-devtools <dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-devtools</artifactId><version>2.3.3.RELEASE</version><optional>true</optional></dependency> 在build中加入下面 ...
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.3 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-212.5457.46, built on October 12, 2021 Runtime version: 11.0.12+7-b1504.40 x86_64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 12.4 Memory: 4096M Cores: 12 Here is the log after starting IntelliJ ...