产生原因,原来的Eclipse项目自动生成了gen文件夹,在导入后,IntelliJ又生成了自己的r【generated 】。导致了duplicate错误。 解决办法,点击右边的叉号,删除gen,如图所示。
As I have already stated: it's not available in PhpStorm as the whole project here consists of a single module. If you want to work with PHP and have modules then you have to look at IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.Generally speaking ATM you have these options:1) Make project ...
1、idea中报错如下图:2、原因:提示有重复代码块3、解决方式File→Settings→Editor→Inspections→搜索“DuplicatedCode”→去掉DuplicatedCode后面的勾选→Aapply→OK IntelliJ IDEA Found duplicate code in 今天在写代码的时候遇到了如下的提示:Foundduplicatecodein提示,因为项目中有重复的代码块。IntelliJIDEA默认会打开...
@Test注解的expected参数只存在于JUnit 4之后。您必须使用较早版本的JUnit。话虽如此,您不必使用此注解...
I cloned my project, that is I checked out a different git branch of the project to a different folder and copied over the .idea folder to have the same PHPStorm settings in the clone. I just need to have different branches of the same project indepe...
1、IntelliJIDEA默认会打开“Foundduplicatecodein”提示,主要提示有重复代码块: 2、关闭该提示;File → Settings → Editor → Inspections;在Settings页面右侧的搜索栏处搜索“DuplicatedCode”,取消掉Duplicated Ideal关闭提示信息 :found duplicate code in XXX files ...
Migrate Last modified: 11 October 2024 TheMigraterefactoring lets you easily switch between the old packages and classes used in your project and the new ones. IntelliJ IDEA comes with a set of predefined migration maps. tip This refactoring is also available fromUML Class diagram. ...
IntelliJ IDEA moves the caret to the next line. To add a line before the current one, press CtrlAltEnter. IntelliJ IDEA moves the caret to the previous line. To duplicate a line, press Ctrl0D. To sort lines alphabetically in the whole file or in a code selection, go to Edit | Sort...
, in large projects, it’s still necessary to duplicate the project structure in the.devcontainerfolder to associate each container with a specific microservice or subsystem. Additionally, the default location of thedevcontainer.jsonconfiguration files has always been at the root of the project....
打开Settings → Editor → Inspections.在出现的搜索栏处搜索 Duplicated Code ,回车,取消掉Duplicated Code后面的...