问题 快捷键Ctrl + Shift + R,进入IntelliJ IDEA的全局替换功能,发现无法点击”replace all”按钮。清除IDEA缓存并重启后依然没有解决问题,所以只好寻求替代解决方案。 解决 方案一 Shift + 鼠标点击批量选中需要被修改的文件,点击replace n occurences。 方案二 点击open in find window,再点击...intellij...
移除Find 的绑定快捷键 , 让replace 成为Ctrl + F 这时在editor编辑区是舒服了, 但是在控制台搜索时却发现 Ctrl + F 不生效了, 因为控制台不能替换文本, 所以最后无耐得把replace改成了Ctrl + P , 再后来发现Ctrl + P 是方法参数提示快捷键 , 于是又把replace快捷键必成了 Ctrl + Alt + R , 这是一...
Build projects Basic editing Caret navigation Select text Code folding Multiple carets and selection ranges Coding assistance Context navigation Find everything Navigate from symbols Code analysis Run and debug Refactorings Global VCS actions Diff Viewer Tool windows ...
The com.intellij.localInspection extension point is used for inspections that operate on one file at a time, and also operate "on-the-fly" as the user edits the file. The com.intellij.globalInspection extension point is used for inspections that operate across multiple files, and the associate...
For plugins hosted on theJetBrains Marketplace, the built-inPlugin Verifierwill run these checks automatically. SeePlugin Verifierfor more information on how to run it locally or on CI.
Build projects Basic editing Caret navigation Select text Code folding Multiple carets and selection ranges Coding assistance Context navigation Find everything Navigate from symbols Code analysis Run and debug Refactorings Global VCS actions Diff Viewer Tool windows ...
action> <group id="Other.KeymapGroup" searchable="false"/> <!-- grouping for Settings -> Keymap -> Others --> <group id="Vcs.KeymapGroup" searchable="false"/> <!-- grouping for Settings -> Keymap -> Version Control Systems --> <group id="VcsGeneral.KeymapGroup" searchable="false"...
And another thing: Tomcat Run Configurations by default include a Build“Before launch” task, which you can remove and replace with the Maven Lifecycle/Goal instead, which can be considered a workaround for the time being.If the issue persists, please share the logs (Help → Collect Logs an...
File -> Settings ->Editor -> Code Style -> File Encoding,将上面的Global Encoding和Project Encoding都设置为UTF-8编码,以及下面的Properties Files的配置文件编码也改为UTF-8。 (5)设置智能提示忽略大小写: File -> Settings ->Editor -> General -> Code Completion,将Case sensitive completion设置为None...
Reminder: if the operating system's fractional scaling is activated, please go to plugin's settings, Advanced tab, then adjust the Additional UI Scale Factor value (ex: for a 125% global scale factor, set it to 1.25). See details here. remove JSVG from dependencies. SVG icons are now ...