点击左上角File-Settings打开设置窗口。 点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到Code下方的Reformat Code,可以看到右侧显示快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L。 选中Reformat Code,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut。 在快捷键设置窗口输入想要设置的快捷键,然后点击OK快捷键即可立即生效。
第四步进去Settings界面之后,点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到code下方的ReformatCode,可以看到快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L,这就是整理代码格式的快捷键,如下图所示: 第五步选中ReformatCode,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut,如下图所示: 第六步进去整理代码格式的快捷键设置界面之后,输入想要设置的快捷键,点击OK就完...
4 第四步进去Settings界面之后,点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到code下方的ReformatCode,可以看到快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L,这就是整理代码格式的快捷键,如下图所示:5 第五步选中ReformatCode,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut,如下图所示:6 第六步进去整理代码格式的快捷键设置界面之后,输入想要设置的快捷...
We share helpful shortcuts with you quite frequently, so by now, you may very well be a shortcut expert. But believe it or not – there are a few shortcuts that perhaps not even you are aware of! This post covers some of the underrated keyboard combinations IntelliJ IDEA supports. Check...
-- Add your actions here --> <action id="com.zitiger.plugin.converter.action.generator" class="com.zitiger.plugin.converter.action.ConvertGeneratorAction" text="Smart Converter" description="Smart Converter"> <keyboard-shortcut keymap="$default" first-keystroke="shift meta N"/> </action> <...
Let’s start with the most well known. This keyboard shortcut can be used to fix just about anything by showing us actions for the current context. When we see an error in our code, if we place the cursor on the error and press Alt+Enter we get a list of suggested fixes for the ...
Get all the IntelliJ keyboard shortcuts referenced on this blog on one convenient page. DOWNLOAD CHEAT SHEETBack to top Why Use IntelliJ Shortcuts The list of IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts is extensive! And, while we've provided a number of them below, they only represent part of the key bindin...
If you need to assign shortcuts to those actions, refer to Configure keyboard shortcuts for more information. To delete a line, place the caret at the line you need and press Ctrl0Y. note Note that when you install IntelliJ IDEA with Windows default keymap for the first time, a dialog ...
Add to Group:选择新 action 要被添加到的 action group(Groups, Actions)以及相对其他 actions 的位置(Anchor) Keyboard Shortcuts:指定 action 的第一和第二快捷键注意:该向导只能向主菜单中已存在的 action group 或工具栏上添加 action,若要创建新的 action group,请参考前面的内容。
If the value is: true - disabled actions are hidden false (default) - disabled actions are visible use-shortcut-of (optional) The ID of the action whose keyboard shortcut this group will use. searchable (optional; supported in 2020.3+) Boolean flag defining whether the group is displayed ...