在使用 IntelliJ IDEA 时,如果你遇到了双击无响应的问题,并收到了“Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing”的错误提示,你可以尝试以下几种方法来解决这个问题: 重新安装 IntelliJ IDEA:有时候,重新安装 IntelliJ IDEA 可以解决一些未知的问题。你可以先卸载当前的 IntelliJ IDEA,然后从 JetBrains 官方网站...
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing :一个路径 解决办法 删除环境变量中的路径 重装idea
org.intellij.markdown.markdownExportProvider MarkdownExportProvider org.intellij.markdown.markdownRunner MarkdownRunner org.intellij.markdown.previewStylesProvider MarkdownPreviewStylesProvider org.jetbrains.debugger.streams org.jetbrains.debugger.streams Extension Point Implementation org.jetbrains.debugger...
com.intellij.refactoring.moveAllClassesInFileHandler com.intellij.refactoring.moveClassHandler com.intellij.refactoring.moveClassToInnerHandler com.intellij.refactoring.moveDirectoryWithClassesHelper com.intellij.refactoring.moveHandler com.intellij.refactoring.moveInnerClassUsagesHandler com.intellij.refactoring.move...
I renamed the .jar file to .zip and looked to find the file and I only see: Manifest-Version: 1.0Export-Package: com.basho.riak.protobuf;uses:="com.google.protobuf";version="1.2.1"Built-By: roachTool: Bnd-1.50.0Bundle-Name: Riak Protocol BuffersCreated-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugi...
To be able to export and share project indexes, installcdn-layout-tool– a JetBrains tool for working with shared project indexes: Download the latest version of the tool from theSpace repository. Once the.zipfile is downloaded, extract its contents to a meaningful location. ...
This way, I will be able to provide icons that fit better with the New UI. 2023.2.5-231 (2023/05/24) rework some SVG icons. File and tab icons were rendered correctly, but icons preview in config panel was a bit altered. fix some missing Chinese i18n. hide some useless warning ...
Using IntelliJ IDEA File | Open, select the <IDEA_HOME> directory. If IntelliJ IDEA displays an error about a missing or out of date required plugin (e.g. Kotlin), enable, upgrade, or install that plugin and restart IntelliJ IDEA. If IntelliJ IDEA displays an error about a Gradle configu...
Hello, I installed both Java 1.8 and Java 11. However, whenever I try to add the JDK into intellij, i'm getting this error:
getProgressIndicator(); final String fullPath = folder + File.separator + fileName; if (indicator != null) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); indicator.setText(InspectionsBundle.message("inspection.export.generating.html.for", fullPath)); } FileWriter writer = null; try { File folderFile = ...