@Override protected JComponent createSouthPanel() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); try { String encodeTitle = new String("标题".getBytes("gbk"), "UTF-8"); JLabel title = new JLabel(encodeTitle); String encodeBtnAdd = new String("按钮点击".getBytes("gbk"), "UTF-8"...
Create Desktop Shortcut(创建桌面快捷图标),32位系统选择第一个,64位系统选择第二个。Create Associations(创建关联),可以3个全选,以.java、.groovy、.kt结尾的文件,默认会使用intellij idea打开。其他的选项不用管。
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition source code is available from github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community by either cloning or downloading a zip file (based on a branch) into <IDEA_HOME>. The default is the master branch. The master branch contains the source code which will be used to create the...
最后,找了大半天,找到了一个ZIP4J的开源库,ZIP4J支持以下特性: Create, Add, Extract, Update, Remove files from a Zip file Read/Write password protected Zip files AES 128/256 Encryption/Decryption Standard Zip Encryption/Decryption Zip64 format Store (No Compression) and Deflate compression method Cr...
设置好了之后,就可以直接使用gradle publishPlugin来发布 Intellij IDEA 插件了。不过这里需要注意,我们上传的插件需要包含如下信息: xmlId:插件的 ID,也就是在plugin.xml里面定义的 ID。 file:插件的 ZIP 包。 所以到这里,我们自建的插件仓库就可以使用了。
什么pom 文件没传。所以我又机智的把 Jar 和 POM 打包了 zip 上传。 紧接着报错Invalid 'md5' checksum for file: scaffold-lite-1.0-sources.jar,缺少md5、sha1 验证。好在我以前发布过 maven 仓库,知道这些配置。 基本上知道要怎么传了,接下来,细看文档。遇到什么类错误,优先看什么内容。
Step 5. Create an executable JAR file Now let's build our application to create an executable JAR file. In the Project tool window, double-click the build.gradle file to open it in the editor. Add the following code: jar { manifest { attributes "Main-Class": "org.mytest.FizzBuzz...
1、点击File -->New -->Project; 2、选择左侧Maven菜单,选中Create from archetype,选择 maven-archetype-webapp,点击下一步; 3、输入GroupID,ArtifacID,点击下一步。 GroupID:定义了项目属于哪个组,一般来说这个通常和公司或组织关联。 ArtifactId:定义了当前Maven项目在组中的唯一ID,实际对应项目的名称,就是项...
In the main menu, go to File | Project Structure CtrlAltShift0S and locate the library that you want to change. Right-click the necessary library and select Move to Project Libraries or Move to Global Libraries. Copy a library to a lower level You can create a copy of a library ...
Path to the ZIP Signer CLI tool. cli The output of the ZIP Signer CLI tool. Type initializeIntelliJPlugin instrumentCode The following attributes help you to tune instrumenting behavior in the ideaDependency javac2 javac2.jarfile of IntelliJ IDEA. ...