1、代码自动补全提示 设置路径:Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion 如图所示: 2、ctrl+滑轮调整字体大小 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General 如图所示: 3、自动导包 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import 如图所示: 4、显示行号 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General ...
插件安装完成后需要到Preferences->Other Settings->google-java-format Settings勾选Enable google-java-format开启。启用后,它将替换通常的Reformat Code操作。一共有两种格式化风格,通过Code style切换。配合Save Action可实现保存自动格式化代码。 Save Actions 作用 支持可配置的、类似 Eclipse 的保存操作,包括“优化导...
设置路径:Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion 如图所示: 2、ctrl+滑轮调整字体大小 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General 如图所示: 3、自动导包 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import 如图所示: 4、显示行号 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance 如图所...
3、重启IDE,启用google-java-format 或者使用阿里插件 4、 启用Save Actions 保存时自动格式化 ,将没用的import 语句删除 二、自动优化导包选项 settings -> Auto Import 三、检查行分隔符/缩进大小 1、行分隔符需要统一,不得使用windows settings -> code style 2、缩进大小需要统一,个人不喜欢用tab符号,用空格...
设置路径:Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion如图所示: 2、ctrl+滑轮调整字体大小 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General如图所示: 3、自动导包 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import如图所示: 4、显示行号 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance如图所示: ...
设置路径:Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion 如图所示: 2、ctrl+滑轮调整字体大小 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General 如图所示: 3、自动导包 设置路径Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import 如图所示: 4、显示行号
Java AutoFormat Question Dear all, I am quite new to Java auto-format so I ask this question to you all I have this code as below I pressed the auto-format shortcut (Control + Alt + L) but the code does not put the method implementation on a new line. I tried several applications...
Auto-Reformat on Auto-Import Followed by 2 people Permanently deleted user CreatedJanuary 18, 2013 21:30 IntelliJ 12.0.2 makes automatically a code-reformat when I'm adding an import-line for new classes via the auto-import shortcut (alt+enter). I tried to disable this but found nothing....
CodeStyle.xml CodeStyle.xml Extension Point Implementation com.intellij.codeFormattingDataPreparer CodeFormattingDataPreparer com.intellij.codeStyleSettingsModifier CodeStyleSettingsModifier com.intellij.disabledIndentRangesProvider DisabledIndentRangesProvider com.intellij.externalFormatProcessor ExternalFormatProcess...